About Moderation (old original thread)

Yes, it really is. Nobody was even talking about malaria until you threw an “actually you dumb americans need to stop panicking over Covid, whatabout malaria comment.”

No, they’re not. A very small minority of posters posting in the ATF thread are.

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The issue of “what to do about idiots with sincerely held indefensible beliefs” reaches beyond UP. It is a legitimately hard problem. I generally land on the side of banning them once they’ve received good faith responses and doubled down.


Good lord, Church was godawful at posting.


Surprised that Jal and Vic haven’t been perma’d. Whatcha gonna do?

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Wait, how were you able to find these post? Is there a feature for that?

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Jman, you are more likely to die in a car accident than in a nuclear war.

Chill man

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Yep, the last round of posts wasnt good and he wasn’t a victim. Just think we all could take down the temperature in that thread. It has gone too much from one of the very best threads on COVID on the internet to a thread filled with a lot of poster based conflict/noise.

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Also, when you get around to it, what’s the “this shit” you’re referring to? Is it the previous “bullshit” or are there two separate shits we’re discussing?


Jman, do you get now that I wasn’t saying you were wrong, and in fact it’s the opposite, that you being right (well there wasn’t any nuclear but I mean general pessimism/doomcasting) is a big part of my entire point?

The reaction is the whole point.

Westerners experiencing something of what hundreds of millions of sub Saharan Africans have to live with every single year could and should have been an opportunity for empathy and action, not something brushed off as “Oh why are you even talking about malaria?”

…then make a separate thread where such a discussion would be appropriate?

That’s a fair point, but a comparison with malaria is at least as pertinent to covid as many other posts in the covid thread that are accepted without comment.

That is a snip of posts from quite a while ago brought into this thread by someone else.

Also I’m not a great one for starting new threads.

Lol at trying to rewrite history a dozen posts after Wookie actually quoted your post. It was never about minimizing malaria. It was about the fact that you, and a handful of others, minimized covid at a time when everyone should have been taking it seriously and should have been preparing for it. Anyway, I’m done with this argument with you, you’re never going to admit that you were wrong.


You’re flagrantly rewriting a history where anyone who cares can go back and see what actually happened. Your interjection of malaria was not a call for either empathy or action but was instead intended to shame people for being concerned about covid and, later on, try to score points on the assertion that Americans are uniquely prone to overreaction, or at least in comparison to the far better Brits.

Look, here’s a list of the daily activities the median poster (from the US, UK, or otherwise) on this forum might do that would put themselves and their families at risk of contracting malaria:

And here’s a list of daily activities where they would have a chance of spreading malaria themselves:

And here’s a list of things people here could actually do about malaria:

  1. Donate money to effective organizations
  2. Call their elected officials to increase funding for malaria research and prevention.
  3. Upend their entire ways of life and change careers to work in malaria research and prevention.

It’s pretty damn unreasonable to think that literally everyone in the forum undertake #3, as not everyone has the skills, and a world with malaria still needs truck drivers, scientists working on things other than malaria, lawyers, farmers, paper makers, and all manner of other roles we’ve found ourselves in.

“What should I do about malaria?” is a solved problem for most people, unless they’re considering travel to affected areas, and as such, it’s not going to merit much discussion. Meanwhile, “what should I do about covid?” is really important and was unclear, because it’s all around us, impacting virtually everything we do outside of our homes and many things inside them as well. Making a comparison to malaria is just an absurd means of trying to pat yourself on the back.


We’re going around in circles. My mention of hysteria was a reference to the increasing and pointless sense of doom, even panic, in that thread. By pointing out that many people elsewhere carry on with their daily lives as much as possible despite the constant threat of a fatal or horribly debilitating disease that a large number of them get at some point, and do pretty damn well all things considered, I was putting it into some kind of context.

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Again you are rewriting history. You were one of the ringleaders of the movement that mocked those concerned with COVId early on. You interfered with those of us trying to warn others. There were concrete things that people could do in January and February like stockpile food and supplies that you and your ilk scoffed at and mocked because you thought COVId wasn’t a big deal. You whatabouted and deflected and then when you were shown to be gravely wrong you pivoted to this lie that “actually that’s not what you were doing you were just trying to cheer people up!” Nobody believes the bullshit you are selling except your buddies from back then who similarly minimized and wharabouted COVId.

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I was the first person in this forum to say that governments needed to be ready to take the unprecedented step of locking down quickly, so I reject the attempts to build a skewed narrative that says I downplayed covid.

Putting something in the context of how other people cope is not downplaying it. If western countries had better governments they could have drastically reduced the death toll to a fraction of the current number.

But anyway, carry on. I have other things to be doing that don’t involve constant regurgitation of years old conversations.


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Yeah but you’d only go do that if you were fucking crazy, just ask Ikes CN.