About Moderation (old original thread)

I mean he got banned for a back-handed compliment. That’s clearly an over the top ban. But again, @Riverman, it’s not worth quitting over.

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I think his comment about the other poster is true, but in the interest of keeping a well functioning website it shouldn’t be made. Free Riverman!

Yeah, I mean truth should be a defense here as well, but he didn’t even attack him really. I mean he said something positive about him in a negative way. Banning for back-handed compliments is really silly.

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I pmd chad my thoughts. I’ll say this losing river in favour of defending victoar as an objectively good poster would be just insanity.

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I’ll say quitting the site over a one-day ban(*) would be just insanity.

(*)That is not completely frivolous. Maybe a warning might have been better. I don’t have strong feelings about this either way.


Is worthy of comment as there would be posters on both sides of it & wrt to just what comments of Vics was terrible etc etc etc and that could get something going that could be healthy for the forum in general.

It’s also a very deep topic and needs to be kept civilized as it would get heated… And it’s what needs to happen imo if the centre wants the left to vote for old Joe in 2024 etc etc.

In RM’s case I feel a warning + deletion would have been fine because he’s not a serial offender, but a time out is not over the line either. If people are 1 possibly too-aggressive temp ban away from leaving, idk what to say about that. RM please reconsider, it’s really not a big deal.


Agree. The temp-ban was done with good intentions (as PC explained above).

There is something terribly wrong if anybody is going to leave the site if they are given a temp-ban.


The ban was questionable but not totally out of line. I don’t understand RM ragequitting over this, I hope he’ll give it time and re-evaluate.


Ban was awful. It was a snide one-off comment that had no chance of developing into a dumpster fire derail.

Rage quitting also awful.

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The raw numbers of reported Covid-19 deaths show the UK as the worst in the G7, but most analysts believe there has been structural under-reporting of Covid deaths in the US, which has seen far less testing, making the excess deaths comparison more appropriate.

"Excess deaths - how many more deaths there have been than in a usual year - is generally regarded as an objective and fair way of comparing countries.

"Over the first year of the pandemic, the US comes out as the worst affected country in the G7 with deaths of up to 25% more than usual.

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Oh, look, another citation that doesn’t back up your original claim. Couldn’t see that coming.

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I only claimed US deaths maybe under-reported and illustrated most US posters ITT don’t what what consitutues a US covid death - but ya, totally banworthy. Don’t wanna whine thou; so it is what it is

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I’ll try to give you an elite TR if you reconsider!

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Well done everyone

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Says fucking who? You?

If someone’s posting poorly it is not at all out of line to point it out. Zero warning ban is stupid.

Here’s an example - the post I’m replying to was very poor.

Victor has trolled the shit out of me including repeated (very) personal attacks with complete impunity. I ignored it for months, never even responded at all. He adds zero value to this forum, shitting on anything and everyone, never engaging in good faith arguments and doing absolutely nothing to advance the discussion while chasing people away with his toxic shitposting.

Massive overreaction by me, for sure, and I doubt I’ll quit, but a complete horseshit ban that reeks of a power trip.


Hard not to notice the people usually screeching about “biased” modding have no problem with this one

I’m gonna be honest guys/gals/nonbinaries the amount of energy I want to contribute to this site is rapidly waning. I’m not threatening to quit or anything but seriously a question I constantly ask myself is what the fuck is the point of this?

We don’t have any real rules. A solid contributor like riverman who probably singlehandedly provides a large chunk of the content here can and should get leeway for minor things like this. If I were him I’d quit. Like, what is the point of contributing to this site in such a high quality volume when you can’t even point out when someone’s posting is shit?

To be absolutely fucking clear here I don’t agree with all of riverman’s politics. But I am capable of seeing a solid contributor over a long period of time and a no warning ban is ridiculous here.

That’s all I really have to say, feel free to put me on ignore


I’m not getting the connection here. Is victor part of the clique? Or riverman is the enemy?

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