About Moderation (old original thread)

I request that mods note if they are deleting the offending posts when banning someone because people always ask why, so it will save you from having to respond.

No idea, but if I had to guess, it was something along the lines of ā€œVaccines donā€™t work, weā€™re all going to die because of variants, hereā€™s some graphs and articles that say the opposite of what I am saying in support.ā€

He was bullshitting about a conspiracy of unreported US covid deaths.

Yes, but not US vs. UK

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As a general idea, does Jwax claiming that Iā€™m a child murderer fascist because as an Israeli I was obligated to serve in the IDF or go to jail (and my service was non-combat and I never even held a gun in my life) consider racist?

I certainly see it as racist, but I probably do not have the most objective perspective

[Note - none of this is any criticism about moderation, they actually acted ridiculously fast. it just seems like the best way to ask this, maybe iā€™m wrong]

I donā€™t think Iā€™d classify it as ā€œracistā€, but it certainly was completely out of line.

Especially for the goddamn NBA thread. Good lord.

He just requested a week off in the self temp ban thread, so maybe that counts as a kind of ā€œmy bad.ā€

I was about to come in here & moan my face off for modding sports threads again but yeah that seems way out of line even for a sports thread.


Okay, Iā€™ll accept that. To me an insult that is based solely on my race/nationality to which I had no possible way to completely avoid and did my best to avoid to the best of my resources is racism.

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Itā€™s definitely an ism anyway.

Didnā€™t know Israel even had an NBA team.

Iā€™m done here, love interacting with most of you but I donā€™t need to deal with getting banned for little to no reason from a site Iā€™ve done a ton to support.


WTF man, that seems like an overreaction.

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Well my issues seem smaller now. My timing was always terrible


Wait, Riverman got banned? WTF?

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Iā€™d say your ban was over the top in the same way yur comment about Vic was over the top and probably didnā€™t deserve a ban as youā€™ve not been spouting off about other posters before that I can remember.

Maybe @PocketChads can reverse it & I would support it for the reason that you have no previous complaints wrt bad postsā€¦ A few words yeah, imo, but not ban worth for a 1st offence.

Reverse Rivermans ban is a yes for me.


I donā€™t think so tbhā€¦ Being a young man in youā€™re position in Israel must have been extremely difficult.

Yeah, please reverse that ban of Riverman.

That was worth a warning at most (and probably not even that).


Heā€™s taken multiple shots at Victor over the last couple months. Itā€™s a 1 day thing.

Ruling stands.

I hope youā€™ll reconsider. I agree your ban was crap, but itā€™s not worth getting upset over a ban.