About Moderation (old original thread)

I called nobody racist. Not one person. I said stim was getting close once.

I’m not going anywhere but you are getting a temp ban I suspect. Enjoy your break.

Join the 6 figure centrists club!


Today I learned arguing against racism and transphobia makes this place a right wing shithole.

The best part is not 20 minutes ago he called me a dolt for suggesting he was a progressive.

Victaor gonna victoar.

I don’t really talk politics on here, but if your established position is soviet stalinism (which I’d reassess if I were you but w/e honestly don’t care) then of course everyone is going to be far right to you. The question is, then, why do you want to hang out here?

Tell you what victoar if you can quote a post where I called someone on this forum a racist in the joe Rogan thread I’ll take your temp ban for you.


I did say one of Stim’s historical interpretations was brushing up against racist.

Also I like how you have imbued me with so much power over the forum. Do I have mod or admin powers I don’t know about?

Wtf is going on in this thread?

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Who taught you that the Mongols were illiterate?

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You were not battling transphobia in the Pronouns thread and I would still kind of like an apology from you over that whole thing.


I stand by the general point I was making but i will apologize if I over generalized. I didnt intend to direct my comment at you but rather the general discussion around trans rights.

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Did you even post in that thread? Lol

You have lost it buddy. Take a breath.

I will point out, by way of defending my long campaign to turn this place into a right wing shithole, that I made a poorly thought out joke in the gender thread that had sexist undertones. When it was pointed out to me I didn’t go on a 20 post rant defending the sexism. I apologized and immediately deleted the post. I’m quite the right wing nazi.

Is that offer open to anyone? Because I sure would like a cookie right now.


I mean, they lived right next to China, is it that surprising to you that the 13th-century Mongolians were literate? The Khans were writing nastygrams to the Pope and shit.

I had forgotten about the post in response to tabbaker. I agree it’s borderline that I called him racist. I’ll stick by my word and take the same ban that you so richly deserve.

@moderators please temp ban me.

Lol at your second example. I was saying two ideas were racist, which I had documented.

I don’t want Clovis banned for calling me racist

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I think we need another mod. @RiskyFlush is not posting anymore and @skydiver8 doesn’t do much modding as far as I can tell? Wookie and Chads are the only others and they understandably can’t cover everything.

I nominate @otatop for mod!


I’ll mod you fuckers, chill out jesus fucking christ.

My god. I don’t even know what level you guys are on but it’s annoying. I understand that’s a me issue, most likely, but I want to state it anyway.


Thank God this is all in one thread

@jmakin for mod!

I certainly hope so. Leaving covid disinformation up after a ban defeats the whole purpose of not allowing Covid disinformation.

I think it was

tree fiddy