About Moderation (old original thread)


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Itā€™s your easily disproven lies that are bothering me, tbh.

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Careful, you might make the job intolerable, and put this community at a high risk of dying.


The lie where you said you were silent after bans, when anyone can see that you commented. The lie where you said you never had cross words with any mod but me and goofy, when anyone can see that you did. Theyā€™re lies.

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Thanks for clarifying how you donā€™t engage in feuding or campaigns of trolling or harassment, and that youā€™re not aggrieved or malcontent.


Goofy getting a ban while Marty just heaps abuse on wookie seems less than ideal.

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It seems to be on par with how Jalfrazi is sitting his last ban.

Alough that comment seems to say Iā€™m OK with it, when Iā€™m just trying to relay information across.

Iā€™ve had my say in all this drama & donā€™t want to get involved again.

Unless the mods or posters in question ask Iā€™m staying out.

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I donā€™t think the ban of goofy is unreasonable, but it sure does seem provoked by toxicity that was left unchecked. Iā€™ll do the same as staying out of it from here on.

Maybe, maybe thatā€™s the problem overall.

I hate to see it as I donā€™t have any hate towards anyone here at all, I think itā€™s a great place to be even if Iā€™m now disliked for whatever that was.

I suppose I should not post in such sarcastic style at times.

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Yeah, if we are calling it tight enough that goofy was over the line, then Marty clearly was.

Literally banning someone cuz his friend was banned.


Literally for his tantrum and attacks that are only his fault, but my abuse of power is limited only by your imagination

You responded to the last post he made without banning him. Then PC banned Goofy so you went ahead and banned Marty.


Wookie is a great asset to the community. Marty is mostly a good and entertaining poster. Neither of you come across well in this back and forth. That being said I donā€™t see Wookieā€™s actions as being biased against anyone really. He is trying to keep the place civil. He seems to be doing a reasonably good job at it.

Iā€™m going to say if you are continually being modded that is a you problem. The bar for what ends up getting modded is very very high imo. Continuing to do the same stuff and complaining about moderation doesnā€™t make a lot of rational sense.

Iā€™m not trying to get in the middle of this and I will probably regret this post but my guess is a very small amount of self moderation would prevent Wookie from having to do anything. That would literally be a win for everyone.


Serious question, is there some colloquial nuance Iā€™m not getting or is this (and ā€œwhiningā€ etc) as derisive as it sounds?

I mean, real talk, you made that thread about the Community Dying and people have made some good-natured ribbing about you maybe melodramatically overstating the reality, but, nobody said you were a whining little tantrum baby for having the audacity to be passionate about something and expressing said passion, because that would be horrible.

Iā€™ll be upfront and say that my biases here arenā€™t related to people, but statements, because I think it is so horrible and hypocritical, and above all lacking empathy to an unseemly degree, to try to shame and humiliate somebody for the particular things they care about. In fact, this goes a step further because the thing they (Marty et al but I donā€™t want to put specific words in anybodyā€™s mouth) care about is the same thing you care about! You think This Community Is At A High Risk Of Dyingā„¢ because x and they think this community is at a high risk of y because z.

If it sounds like Iā€™m calling you and Goofy et al out, itā€™s not personal, I mean, it really is the concept not the person but it only comes from one side. Every time Iā€™ve argued with somebody online Iā€™ve found myself taking the side of and defending the person Iā€™m arguing with if they were shamed in this manner. The most recent was with Jmakin a year ago or so, when I was basically like, ā€œLol I just horribly insulted Jmakin and he should have the right to reply, not just the right to not be shamed for wanting to reply holy shit.ā€


Honestly though, if somebody came in and tried to shame me for caring about other people shaming other other people for caring about what they care about, Iā€™d have to tip my cap.


@victaor threatening violence.


Itā€™s been 14 minutes since that post was made.

I know. I was just saving it here for context not to say it wasnā€™t acted on fast enough. Poor wording on my part. Iā€™ll change it.