About Moderation (old original thread)

If I “hide” posts, then anyone can view them with a click and see the post I was hoping everyone would just move past. If I delete, then hoi polloi can’t see anything, but any mod can still see the post.

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@Mrwookie and @goofyballer you both know, or should know, I’m big fan of both of you (along with the people with which you’re feuding, to use the parlance of our times) but hot damn that’s a rough one.

I mean, ultimately a little forum drama doesn’t matter, so the rough one just mentioned is relative to that, and I have a feeling all this will die down more the further the pandemic ends, but… hot damn.

Gotcha. I suppose ‘deleted’ isn’t even the correct term we should be using then, but it’s stuck.

p.s. I also think it inadvertently creates more drama as well, like,

if Cassette hadn’t been johnny-on-the-spot this might’ve played out differently. ‘Confusion’ is probably a more apt descriptor than ‘drama’, but confusion can easily lead to drama.

There’s no perfect solution. Leaving it intact, and people want to fire back in kind. Hiding it, people want to check out the scandal and then fire back in kind. Deleting, well, that’s why I take some replies and “totally not a reply but still a direct response” posts with it, but I didn’t get everything, and I wasn’t fast enough. Deleting, I kinda hope people can take a hint to knock it off before getting banned, but we had a failure to communicate, so you get what we had here today. Which, is the way he wants it. So, he gets it.

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As you can see throughout this thread, there is nothing I can do or not do that will not create drama among those who wish to create it.


I want to put out my vote in favor of the slow/cooldown, again for selfish reasons: People are using their daily shot to write some epic posts, all postpostmodern with footnotes inside footnotes and what not.

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Ah, yes, the only way you would be satisfied is with total victory. Great compromise, bro.

If I take 6 months off, can I ban you or one of your allies for a day without you complaining in this thread?

Because I would not be a moderator for 6 months, and then I would become a mod again in this hypothetical. If you expect that I resign permanently, then yes, that is the expectation of total victory on your part.

lol, clearly from what you say you don’t want me to merely take a break. You expect total capitulation.

Then I want concessions from you and your allies about badgering other moderators when I’m gone and me when and if I come back.

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Sorta, but also kinda not at all,

because I actually feel like even sharing this opinion would be construed as stirring up drama.

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I’m not sure why you get to decide whether mods have to quit, but I’m firmly in the “the place would be way worse without wookie” camp. So as a community member, perhaps my vote just cancels yours out?

There is zero universe where the half dozen or so drama loving members here suddenly stop being complete fucknards to each simply because one of the moderators quits the site. Get real.

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If every single decision mods make is subject to community referendum at the whim of any poster, including the aggrieved, then we really don’t have mods at all. We are run by community referendum. Meanwhile, you act like you don’t even respect community referendums we have. You’re happy to use them to get your way when that works, but you refuse to acknowledge their legitimacy when they don’t. You’re instead eager to wage a campaign of tantrums, insults, and harassment as a heckler’s veto when you don’t get your way.

Of course it’s a no. You offered absolutely nothing in return except for the expectation of capitulation. I’ll be up for re-election in a few months. See you then.

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In this guy’s humble opinion, the hostility is between a small handful of posters who routinely get out of line and require moderation after they repeatedly derail thread after thread after thread with their petty bullshit.

And the folks that get action taken against them once their hostility gets the better of them complain about the mods, because they’d really rather just endlessly snipe back and forth with each other, and love being aggrieved and to complain endlessly on Internet forums as a hobby.

Has nothing to do with the mods - these petty squabbles will not simply disappear if the people that lose control of their emotions stop being moderated. They will simply take over the entire forum, in every thread, until the only content produced here is bickering and name calling.

So count me as someone who appreciates the current moderation and does not want to participate in a forum who’s main content is a tiny handful of malcontents getting their rocks off by endlessly feuding with each other while the rest of us have to simply groove on it.


Not casting aspersions onto you, friend. I do think you pretty much argue with wookie on like 100% of his actions, but I don’t have the sense that you are in the small handful that exist simply to bicker with one another here, and those are the folks that will take this place over without moderation.

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You’re not very good at counting.

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