About Moderation (old original thread)

If the job of moderators is to call ball and strikes and not use their own judgement, then we have a woefully inadequate rulebook for that purpose.

They are allowed to use their judgment. We will never be able to systematize human interactions into balls and strikes.

The stated rationale doesn’t make any sense. Two or three days ago there was a WSJ report on intelligence report about COVID-compatible illnesses at the Wuhan lab. Yesterday someone posted a link to a new paper about evidence from genetic lineages. The whole topic is blowing up on social media.

You’re basically just enforcing a heckler’s veto. It would be better to moderate content based on what is or isn’t permitted by the rules.


I think the one-day rule should be removed from the Covid Origin thread.

It is clearly an “on-going” topic on the internet and throughout the world. To stifle its discussion, even if many comments involve more than a tinge of personal insults, seems silly.


I’m fine with it being throttled, but maybe one day is excessive.

I am not one to complain about modding. Quite the opposite. This does seem like an overreach though. No other thread has been subjected to such a rule and it’s seems like a serious over reaction to a standard forum problem.

I think this is a case where it’s best if you removed the restriction and if you felt it was still warranted ask the community in a poll. Informally, leaving the restriction does not seem to have much support.

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Maybe take the tone of the discussion down a notch and don’t make flip accusations of racism (which is happening on both sides) and we can have nice things.


I’m not a fan of the slow down, but impugning wookie’s character and motives over it is nonsense and just rude.

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He hasn’t even posted in the thread. It’s just an excuse to take a shot at me.


Just imo, slowdown was justified at the time but I think a week was too long

I was enjoying my weekly visit to the thread and learning more about how shit works, alough the sniping made it difficult at times.

I think opening it up & anyone caught with throwing mud gets a timeout and limited to 1 post per day for a week or 2 would be better, if that can be done.

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All the usual suspects have chimed in except two, and I’m guessing they must be banned. So predictable lol.

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Imagine thinking that deleting a flagged post and a couple replies to it was some sort of mod overreach.

I do read the thread and I feel it’s quality has improved massively since the throttle. People on both sides are now actually organizing their thoughts and calmly putting forth their best arguments in well outlined posts so that one can actually follow what the arguments are.

Before it was just endless sneering quick hit replies.


I’m having nothing to do with this thread or moderation on this site at all, so fuck off and never @ me again.


WTF was goofy banned? Complete bullshit.

Dont @ microbet if you don’t want to bring the pain.

He also had some deleted posts that instigated this whole clusterfuck.

I do but for not for the reasons you’re discussing or imagining; I just don’t like reading a partially {REDACTED} forum and if a poster actually posts something that MORTAL MEN DARE NOT GAZE UPON then they should be hyperpermabanned.

Does this software keep a record of all deleted posts like other vbulletin et al?