About Moderation (old original thread)

To quote the great Flywf, if you get offended at being called a racist, stop posting racist shit. As someone with Asian relatives, the vile conspiracy theories being echoed on this board by posters like you (like the lab leak theory, which you strongly defended and posted more about then that one post you quoted) is absolutely racist and dangerous. Bullshit like your posts on this make it more dangerous for my relatives to avoid being the victims of hate crimes.

Explain how “Chinese wet markets are incredibly filthy and they eat weird animals” is less racist than “Chinese lab studying virus might have had an accident”.


They eat weird animals is not what I said. All animal markets are filthy which I also included in that post that you are referencing. The simplest explanation, that the disease came from animal husbandry, is the likeliest one because that has been the source of basically every single one of our diseases for thousands of years.

How do you square this with the fact that (unlike with previous outbreaks?) nobody was able to connect it to any animals at the wet market or the surrounding area?

Even if everything you say is true it doesn’t make saying “there might have been a lab accident” racist.


I’d really rather not talk to someone like you but, to correct this nonsense (I get it’s Sunday and you’re bored)…

Your statement that I’m a racist is revolting and utterly without merit. You need to stop posting outright lies like this and filling the forum with such dishonest shit.

Even your pal Cuse said he knew I wasn’t racist and regretted the campaign you and he ran against me wrt false allegations of racism.

Wookie was forced to climb down from a similar allegation against me when most of the voters in a poll told him he was wrong to ban me over an innocuous statement.

But you and your hateful campaigns…have fun with that feeling.


You characterization of your position, especially when you argued there could be a plausible conspiracy of scientists to cover up the lab theory, is dishonest.

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It took about 18 years and a remarkable amount of research to find the source of SARS. This is true for many other diseases.

It’s pretty clear that Jaman is needling Jal again and he needs to stop that before we get another week-long tantrum.

The leading explanation is that it originated from a farm outside Wuhan, but even failing that I have no idea how you think they came remotely close to testing all the animals that were at the wet market that day.

Whining in a public thread instead of a PM about a statement that is obviously true, sure seems like stirring up shit instead of asking for moderation.

Oh my god I’ve never been burned harder.

Asking for moderation in the moderation thread is not whining.


I took it the ban was for responding to Jman, in a reasonable way, while Jman was only here to troll/score points with whomever it is he’s trying to please, himself? Maybe because it seems no-one can be arsed with the trolling.

A little harsh on Jalfrazi tbh but maybe a blessing in disguise as it gives him a week to plan for the Euros forum free and I’ll make a European Championships thread for when he comes back. :+1:

Harsh on Jalfrazi, deserved for Jman.

See you soon pal @Jalfrezi :beer: BTW is your house big enough to accommodate 20 Scotsmen :grin:


Any more of the usual suspects want to chime in on this one?



Wait, fidget is a mod?

No, why do you think that?

fidget’s comment made it sound like he did the banning

No, he’s just criticizing my action

Slow mode enabled immediately after someone fires shats at me, my luck sucks.

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Well, for now,

You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once a day, yo.

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It’s using existing moderator tools to moderate behavior that has previously been subject to moderation (personal attacks). Using this tool in this manner is precedented and at least used to be uncontroversial. If you wish to put its use up for community vote, then you might as well start an RFC to remove all mods and run literally everything via referendum.

Obviously no, because things like the main covid thread, the Biden thread, the STONKS thread, etc. may have multiple news items per day, people have personal firsthand insights, and, most importantly, they’re more than just a cesspool of personal sniping back and forth. We don’t really need a thread here where a handful of people play “No YOU’RE the real racist!” like it’s a text based MUD for the penis game.