About Moderation (old original thread)

If he’s British, then by default hes not being rasict, no?

In facts that’s been proven in court here, so British people can and will through around the word 'Brits.

Man weird how you stayed silent here:

Not sure if I’ve ever seen more of a bad faith complaint. You’re mad at jman, at least be honest about it.

I disagree. Use of a racist term, regardless of whether you belong to the group that the term denigrates, is still unacceptable. And, I have no idea whether or not he’s British versus one of the other ethnicities you’ve mentioned like Scottish or whatever. But again, my point continues to be that I didn’t originate the term, and I will stop using it. Good luck with your jab.

This discussion should end as the issue has been resolved.

I will only add that there appears to be some confusion over race, ethnicity and nationality. They are not the same and conflating them leads to confusion and misunderstanding.

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It’s unacceptable to me as a CelticFC supporter who is trying his hardest to teach the younger generation that slights from the past are to be worked on particularly after the Good Friday agreement since my city and my favourite Club was vastly affected by it, it is not a rasict statement per say, but a slight used to describe a English National/Flag waving Englishman, so as @CaffeineNeeded says its not in any references or books that I know off, but in moving forward wrt to our wee problem or religion I prefer not to hear a word from the past that brings some bad memories and Infact produces no solutions.

So therefore wrt @Jalfrezi usage it doesn’t bother me too much as the context there is very different than say I said it as its usage up here is very different.

I should not have said its a rasict word in a stand alone statement by a UK resident but can be used in a particularly rasict way by some elements of our society & we are trying to move past that here & sine the troubles may start up again I’m all for stopping it’s usage in my community(CelticFC fans).

Now as you know I am no academic or even a solid writer, but I hope you can see the benifits of not carrying on this usage and helping to put it in the past.

Thanks… Wrt my Jab :+1::grin:

I was mad, true, was I mad at Jamn, well since we can have a conversation about things, I’d like to think that yes I got upset that again Jman was inserting himself into a post by Jalfrazi, yes, correct.

And its the same when I see Jalfrazi responding to Jman, for what’s that’s worth.

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lol you silly goose

Us Brits and our 4 letter words than mean different things depending on who says them, to whom and in what context - who would have thought language could be so complicated :astonished:


“The Perpetually Aggrieved” works well also imo

or #TeamGrievance if you prefer hashtags and/or pith.


Off topic but what is wrong with Brit and Yank? When I hear “Yank” I think of a WW2 movie where the allied POWs are going to escape from the Nazi POW camp.

I love that movie - but it’s a perfect example of how movies pander to Americans. Pretty much all the real people involved in the escape were British and Canadian, but they had to add Americans heroes since they were worried Americans would not be interested otherwise.

Calling an Irish/Scot guy a “Brit” seems pretty obnoxious.


Ok, I understand now. It’s calling a Celt an Anglo-Saxon.

I’ve never heard that the word “Brit” was a slur. Would the average Englishman be offended to be referred to as a “Brit”?

Remember when Ben & Jerry’s rolled out Black & Tan ice cream and got into trouble? Did you guys hear about that overseas? Kind of hilarious.


I mean interesting how none of y’all gave a flying shit until it was a chance to complain about someone you already didn’t like and have never complained about anyone else using it, despite both the brit clique and many others using it.

This isn’t helping.

This isn’t helpful either.

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Why is this poster allowed to make lying slurs like this that he knows are false, without punishment?

Months before, I’d suggested a tiny (<=5%) chance of it coming from a lab in China, not a “giant conspiracy theory” as this slanderous post suggests.