About Moderation (old original thread)

Your own bias is showing. No one wants another flaming war here apart from you, apparently.

PC isn’t the only mod here and hasn’t shown bias yet. Another mod was posting here just an hour ago.


I’m absolutely positively biased against you.

Good. Then put me on ignore please. Your posts tend to be a godawful wretched mess of humble brags and hysterical and abusive tantrums exactly as seen here.


A proposed solution to reduce these flare-ups:

grease fire I thought.


Wishing this on a fellow UPer isn’t cool obv.



A fire caused by that would be a gas fire fire :)

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Yeah I don’t think hiding it does much beyond boost the number of times it’s read. I don’t think it should be deleted either. Hence my post here. Only action needed is a temp, imo.

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Every single mod action and inaction really is going to be met with a full on debate of the action or inaction and the fitness of each of the mods, isn’t it. Great.

If you think an attack should always result in a temp ban in addition to or instead of a post hiding, I think you should start an RFC. I and most other mods had been operating on the thinking that for someone who hasn’t had a post reported for attacks I don’t think ever before or at least not for some time, hiding the post in question is hopefully enough to get the message across.

One time you said something that makes me think you don’t understand how post hiding works. You know that all users can just click “Show hidden post” to see a hidden post, right? That isn’t just a mod action. So “hiding” a post really just ensures that nearly everyone reads the post.

Sorry for pointing this out if you already know all this.

Yes, I’m aware of it. I didn’t think most people clicked to show most hidden posts, especially since the overwhelming majority are self-deleted posts that show absolutely nothing if you bother to click on them. I don’t know if we can change that behavior, like perhaps only users trust level 3 or higher get to? But any changes to that, if any are possible, should go through community RFC.

As a mod, I just don’t have that many tools in my toolbox. For that post, it was hide and/or ban. Ban felt like too much in this case, not to mention being that much more effort and more likely to spawn a community backlash in which we spend weeks debating a ban than lasts hours. I guess we’re now going to spend weeks on the backlash from not banning now too.

When a post is hidden, how often do you view the post anyway?

  • Always or almost always
  • About half the time
  • Usually not or never

0 voters

Deleted posts disappear for regular users after an hour so the only posts that are hidden are ones flagged by people, so everyone clicks on them to see what was so awful it had to be hidden.

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If your post is hidden, you are given a chance to edit it to make it more appropriate. Should posters be given that chance?

Honestly if you are really mad about forum modding you should log off. Simple as that

I remember one time I was UNFAIRLY MODDED in NVG back in the day, and instead of going on a crusade to fight this injustice I actually just did nothing at all and it was fine


Prepare for incoming.

Missing “depends strongly on who posted it” option.

Can you see whose post it is before you click?

It’s hardly unconventional disciplinary theory that repeat offenders get successively harsher punishments compared with people who step out of line basically never.