About Moderation (old original thread)

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And let me guess, MrWookie is actually a woman, right?

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lol no

the sexiest kind of racism

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Arenā€™t progressives supposed to argue against lifetime retribution, or did I sign up for the wrong movement?

I donā€™t gaf that ikes is posting here, but I only noticed that he was here because he still sucks in the same ways.

You mean he keeps destroying you in the Chinese Conspiracy thread?

No, I knew who he was months ago. And yeah man, he destroyed me so hard he currently refuses to reply to or read my posts. Thatā€™s how you know he won!


Correct, the way you know someone has slaughtered you is that they disengage in the face of comical obstinance. See the Trump is not actually trying to hold onto power thread.

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Yes, the Trump is not actually trying to hold onto power is like the epitome of this argument style form Keed. Something where he was clearly, demonstrably and laughably shown to be wrong, and he never gives up and just keeps arguing the same dumb points over and over until everyone else just gives up. Yeah he sure ā€œwonā€ that one.

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I think itā€™s Ikes. My guess is that he was working his ass off to become a doctor and be somebody and was a little angry at the world, and now that he has ā€œmade itā€ and life is going well for him, he has a more generous spirit. Thatā€™s the David Shor theory on why upper middle class people tend to be ā€œliberalā€ but not like communist left.

When I read his posts while assuming that change and his previous world view being crushed by the rise of Trump, it seems like the same poster to me.

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In that case we need to give caffeine needed mod powers so he can lock the thread as well, really show how heā€™s dominating the argument.

What exactly was Trumpā€™s path to keep power once the mob stormed the capitol? Letā€™s say they seize Pelosi and Pence somehow (already laughably absurd). What happens next? How does Trump go about siezing power?

Iā€™m not calling for him to be banned or anything. Iā€™m laughing at the ā€œprogressivesā€ when they agree with his political takes.


Retiring undefeated?

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Absolutely zero evidence he is ikes other than he happens to be a doctor. Weird how people just latched on to that with zero evidence, but there seems to be a lot of that going around lately.

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I mean he posts the same. I saw it right away, Iā€™m honestly amazed that others donā€™t see it. But if he wants to say who his 2+2 screename actually was, thatā€™s fine. But he wonā€™t because heā€™s ikes.

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