About Moderation (old original thread)

Microbet said it was him and then apologized for outing him but maybe I just don’t get Micro’s sense of humor.

I don’t even know who Ikes is but Caffeine’s posting was invaluable last year so who gives a shit?


Hilariously, the only people who care are the ones who insist he isn’t ikes so they can keep liking him.


Odd motivation. A doctor with a generous and very caring attitude towards his patients that previously had terribad views is still like a top 10% good human being on this board.


Again, no evidence.

I agree, if you like his posting you shouldn’t care if he’s ikes or not. But that’s how much people hated ikes, I’d imagine some would have trouble reconciling hating ikes with a burning passion and liking ikes 2.0

Right. “Retractions for thee, but not for me.” Established precedent seems to be that I can repeat or insinuate the accusation as much as I wish no matter the community sentiment.

Yeah, I really don’t care. If it’s him, he’s changed a ton as a poster. I suppose we all have.

Micro posts implied that he used info from his mod powers to connect the dots and that is why apologized and retracted. Now that you have mod powers, you are saying that no such info exists?

Have you actually affirmatively checked? You probably shouldn’t do that but just explaining why people believe it.

I’ll drop this if people leave me out of it, but I did not use any mod powers. I take that very seriously.


Ok, my bad.


Isn’t the real Ikes the friends we made along the way?


I feel like if the ban constituted a “key moderator action” then lifting it as erroneous must also.


You’re supposed to be a mod ffs. Your refusal to acknowledge wrong doing in the face of an overwhelming community vote has been a total embarrassment and I’m astonished you’re doubling down on it.

I guess you’re still claiming there’s no mod bias LOOOOOOOOOL


My actual goal was mutual detente, but you and fidget don’t seem to have the same respect for “overwhelming community vote” that you expect me to have.

I’ll leave it to fidget to state how many times he proposed mutual detente to both you AND Jman and what your responses were to that idea.

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Lol, just bad faith, always.

Would acknowledging your mistake, or even apologizing be useful in detente? Seems like it would.

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Personally I’ve always found the safest way of achieving détente is by banning someone for a week under jumped up charges, then refusing to acknowledge how badly I fucked up and how unsuited to moderating a community-empowered forum it makes me.

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I stated what I wanted in clear and direct terms