About Moderation (old original thread)

Those are bad too? Jesus Christ, my vocabulary is only about 25 words as it is, I’m working with pretty fine margins here already.


Good fucking god this shit is still going on.

Please tell me if I am getting anything wrong

Marty and jman had a feud.

Mod said stop. Mod said please stop. Mod said one more time and you will get banned. Marty posted one more time. Mod banned Marty for 24 hours for not stopping.

So when it came to watevs getting banned, marty brought up his ban, and this fucking stupid war against using ■■■■■ Ban it or not I don’t care the fuck people. Marty grow up.

He was accused directly many times and had no reply to it other than “fuck you”.

In his precious court of law I think that would count as not offering a defence.

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What words and which continents?

On Thursday, we had a rather wanky work “Xmas party” over video conference. They got this “Zoom magician” to do some “mentalist” tricks at the end (all over video conf, obviously). Anyway, as part of his routine, he was selecting various members of the audience as assistants, and at one point he selected my manager (who is female) and asked her for the first word that came to mind. After a pause she said “dictionary”. We then had this conversation over wassap:


Aside from being an amusing anecdote, it does somewhat demonstrate the difference in acceptability levels between different cultures of that particular word.


For some reason I went to The Magic Castle once. I was a dick, so when the magician asked me for a noun I gave him sesquipedalianism. To his credit, he tried to work with it. He completely failed but given the execution I don’t think it had much to do with me.

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That’s a fucking great word. I found out about it about 20 years ago and my life has been the richer for it since.


Yeah, I learned it from Michael Chabon, who is kind of the king of it.

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And nobody has any evidence that he has been involved in prosecuting any of those types of cases. Your evidence is that a guy you’re feuding with said “fuck you.” Hardly an unusual exchange of words between you and him, and quite warranted most likely.

Whatever jman did as a prosecutor, he eventually lost faith in an unjust system and he moved on from his job as a result of it. That’s more than we can say for a lot of people and it deserves some respect. Continuing to badger somebody for doing a job that they left because they no longer believed in that system, and who is no longer posting anything supporting that systems, seems like harassment and shouldn’t be tolerated.

But I still think he should have been temp banned a couple of weeks ago for stirring this shit up again. Especially considering he had details wrong.


Can we go back to being a forum full of people angry at political injustices instead of just a forum full of angry people?


Well ldo because no evidence is available to us.

It’s totally reasonable to hold someone to account for voluntarily following the racist demands of his organisation when he had the option (which he belatedly took) of walking away.

None of this would matter if he’d issued some sort of mea culpa instead of just getting angry at being pulled up for his hypocrisy when trying to hoist his anti-racist flag up the pole for all to admire.

That tells me everything I need to know about his guilt, but I don’t expect a jumped up string puppet like you, dancing to his tune whenever his name’s mentioned, to agree.


Yes context is important for all of these. No one as far as I can tell is calling for a unilateral banning of any word. In America, someone might call Ariana Grande a bad bitch or jam to a bitchin’ song, and there would be no outcry.

However the way ■■■■ has been used in this forum recently isn’t that. There’s no pretense as to the meaning when someone says “lol what a ■■■■■■ It’s more like if I told someone to “stop being a bitch” when they are acting weak. Which is attaching a strongly negative connotation to a female/female body part. Feel free to continue doing it - it’s not the biggest transgression in the world - but also don’t be shocked and appalled when people call you out on it and tell you it’s not cool.


Yeah, it has an insulting connotation in quite a few contexts, but it’s just not the same word that it is in American English.

This is what I think of your verbal morality statute.

You can just stop right there. The rest is just unsubstantiated allegations.

This back and forth isn’t getting anyone anywhere. What are the takeaways from this, and what, if anything can be done about them?

  • There’s a group of posters that feel that the mods here are biased. They would like mods to rotate and not be permanent. Is that something that can be settled by a community vote?

  • There’s a group (Group 1) of posters here that regularly use the c word as it’s acceptable in their culture. Other posters here (Group 2) find the word offensive and would rather not read it, as it’s about as bad of a misogynistic insult as you can throw around in the USA. Group 1 has been informed of Group 2’s feelings but will not stop using the word, as the c word is extremely important to them and their way of life.

Are those the main two takeaways from all this? I’m not sure what can be done about the second one.

There’s also group 3, Americans who don’t feign fainting spells every time someone says a naughty word.


Please fuck off and when you’ve done that fuck off again with your disgusting defence of your pal’s racist activities, who has never denied any of it.

my proposed solution: code up an add-on that automatically replaces **** with Smurf

make this feature opt-in (or opt-out)