About Moderation (old original thread)

The defence has primarily been “There are whole linguistic communities in other countries, which some of us are from, where the word is in many contexts not even considered an insult and, while always vulgar, often not even derogatory.”

You can try and tell me that that looks, to you, exactly like people saying He works like a black is a compliment or that they don’t mean anything by using the n-word (rappers say it! They say it all the time!!!1!) but I know that it doesn’t, so cut the bullshit, will you?


Why are you saying it like this?



Using my 1 post per hour to just say you guys will argue about absolutely anything, it’s incredible


“■■■■■ is no more a slur than “asshole” or “motherfucker”.

ETA, since this is how we have to reply ITT now:

Look, I’m not even arguing for its use on this board, and I’m not arguing that some people should or shouldn’t be offended by it. I was saying to Wookie that his approach is not productive.

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Please continue making the forum worse with piping hot bullshit and the pettiest of grievances.

Sincerely, the rest of us.


Y’all are a bunch of penises. No wonder your parents took everything of value from the world and you did shit to try and stop them. Wahhh people are arguing on the internet this is so upsetting to me wahhh. Grow the fuck up or get off this site.

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Interesting that in 2020 we have to explain to “leftists” why words like ■■■■■ bitch, and pussy are problematic. And no one seems to want to take it up with them because their politics align with the powers that be here.

Then they have the nerve to complain about bias against them.



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So you’d happily call a young woman ■■■■ if they were behaving like an asshole?

As long as the forum continues allowing the transgressions that lead to piping hot bullshit and grievances, it will continue.

It’s the same handful of people starting it over and over again by taking shots at the same handful of people they always take shots at, often when those people aren’t even involved.

And the vast majority of the time, those shots are mostly/completely false/unsubstantiated. Jman isn’t even in this thread lately and they’re dragging him over his career which they know no details about.

He could have been prosecuting white collar crimes, violent crimes, grand theft auto, speeding tickets or RICO cases. He could have been prosecuting cases against cops for internal affairs for all they know. But nah they just assume he was on drug cases so they insinuate that he’s racist.

It’s easy to make it stop, the community just has to decide to do it.

I am curious if a Fenian bastard like Marty moderates his language when in the presence of women in real life.

If only this software had some sort of feature whereby discussions could be segregated into separate topics, allowing you to pick and choose the ones in which you want to participate, and ignore the others.

No. But I wouldn’t call her an asshole, a motherfucker, or for that matter, a bitch either.


You see I understand that ■■■■■■ as it is used by Americans is problematic. The actual issue is trying to persuade you guys to drop the implicit assumption of the exclusive primacy of American cultural mores. You’ve probably had it all explained to you before, even. You’ve probably been told several times how if my friend is unexpectedly unlucky he might be a poor ■■■■, if he’s unexpecedly lucky he might be a jammy ■■■■ and if my enemy is unexpectedly lucky, he will be a flukey ■■■■ and you continue, in effect, to regard that as some made-up pretence we are allowed to persist in if and only if an American is not present. If an American is present, the real sense of the word will be applied, please and thank you.


Thats a lie. I said, if, he was. He was working for a racist system and a part of its racism.

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83 uses of the word ■■■■ based on search results out of 511,000 posts. And many of them discussing the usage of the word.

Seems a little overblown.


The frequent mean-spirited squabbles has made this forum quite unpleasant at times. It seems that virtually all threads are infected by this self-imposed virus and even purveyors of the Ignore feature (such as myself) cannot escape its virulence.

If people care at all about the vitality of the forum, I hope they (we) can acknowledge the issues and seek to be part of solutions, not part of the problems.


Does your search find hidden posts?

It does seem like a very small minority cares about being able to use the word.

I wasn’t really talking about you, others were more aggressive about it and didn’t say “if.”

Im the only one itt who mentioned drugs and the racial discrepancy in sentencing.