About Moderation (old original thread)

I just went back through the mod actions thread because I hate myself. LOL to any single one of you that complains about mods and their actions. I’ve made 10 suspensions since October to the following: Jbro/Marty/Jal/Bob/Alex/Formula

Maybe I missed one but it’s just comedy at this point.


People are math, just more complicated.

This apply to you as well?

Not sure what my actions have to do with yours but okay.

Is there a unmod keed thread somewhere, asking for a friend

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Still ironing out the official language.

EDIT: No longer needed


Maybe you could setup one of those math/logic puzzle threads similar to those 538 riddler puzzles? I think that would be pretty fun.


For sure, I’d def take part in that.

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I banned you twice. Once for 24 hours and once for 3 days. Does 4 days over 4 months without this forum really cause you so much vitriol that you despise me? Any self reflection at all if it was justified?


Cool. All my fault. My bad. Glad we could have a fucking semblance of self reflection.

Edit: I’ve never even banned Church! Come on man.

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Be better.


Projection: Hand picking your squad and running off to your grade school club house and then screaming COOL KIDS CLUB as an explanation every time anything doesn’t go how you want it to go.


Let’s not do whataboutism here.

Today’s “crisis” was about Keed’s shitty modding in the past few days. Of course it had something to do with who his actions were aimed at but much more about the actions themselves. Unilateral outside-the-norms, dickish behavior.


You complain about how often you aren’t banned for things you think you would be banned for.

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I might believe either side of this endless nonsense was acting in good faith at all if I ever saw a single post from anyone against their own side.

If one side said 2+2=4 the other would instantly argue it wasn’t.

This is all just a game. None of this is a real good faith debate, from either side.

The whole point is the fight! Why not just admit this, make a sub forum for it and go to town? That way you can all have your fun and the rest of us can ignore it.

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This basically describes politics today, the initial subject matter of this forum, so all of this makes a lot of sense.

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From a meta-political perspective, I suggest this is evidence that a centrist call for bipartisanship is dumb and unworkable.

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Who is calling for bipartisanship? That suggests any of this is an actual debate. It’s not.

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In fairness, they would argue it and team 2+4=4 would seldom concede the point.