About Moderation (old original thread)


I honestly don’t mind reading accounts popping in to the main political threads or even the leasure threads to post constructively, it’s when they pop back into the about forums threads to post again and evade that Banhammer that just came down that it annoys me, whomever it is.

No, I hadn’t planned on doing it myself. Not entirely sure how I’d lay out the voting eligibility rules, like I said I’m not sure how to handle long-term lurkers.

“Seems” to be makes it not a lie.

Still can’t help yourself I see, Oh well.

It seems to me that you don’t trust the new mods to deal with moderation too much as you keep popping back here to make your case for yourself pretty often nowadays.

Alough I’m not to interested in it now and it’s why the words seems to be was used, you can always stop posting in this moderation thread with your reading account to stop my confusion as I ain’t got the time anymore to search for the posts and don’t intend to waste anymore time than is needed to rebuke your cuomo supporting ass.

I warned jman to stop bringing this up a few weeks ago so he’s ignoring it at my request. If you really feel like dragging it back into discussion, parlez francais sil vous plait.

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Is it “old drama” when it’s not resolved and he’s recently repeated the same accusation?

July 30th is when I checked IPs.

I went out of my way to not out you for it until yesterday but SenorKeeed is a good guesser.

I did not.



I think rugby posted that any old discussions of this kind itt would reciece a ban @anon10387340 and otatop agreed he would take it up too and warned both Jman & jalfrezi.


Jman did delete his insulting post this fine morning though, seems things are getting better.

Oh shit there’s that word again.

I dunno if otatop did Marty, as soon as read posted I knew it was you 90% of the time, it’s not that it was obvious, but the timing said as such.

Yes, because it is resolved, or at least as resolved as anything’s going to get.

If I missed him repeating the “smelly food” thing since that warning no one has bothered to flag it.

When it voted?

My memories are a bit of on the timing but when it was mentioned I said, yup that’s probably marty.

Just a guess though and I trust otatop to be upfront here.

I mean, you could read where jman spotted the Read account and see that he guessed it was you within minutes based on public information, or you could go on for another couple dozen posts raging at the mods for imagined malfeasance.


Oh really?


Oh right, no raging or accusations to be found here!

Or you know you could take the opportunity to stay out of it for once as you fine well know your the main reason Marty disrusts mods here and with good reason imo.


Jman ain’t going to give you or anyone on the other side any satisfaction of any kind, same as wookie popping in to make yiur blood rise just by posting and quoting your posts.

They ain’t interested in resolving anything Marty… Imo.


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I have done zero IP checks and would never share poster info acquired as mod with another poster.


I refresh this site 10+ times a day and read all the bullshit. I don’t see why someone who effectively leeches entertainment/information from this community should be given a vote in almost anything. Leave the votes to the contributors who make this whole thing what it is. I voted a few times before but I don’t think I will in the future unless I become an active contributor.


I checked Read’s IP for the same reason I checked QRomo, ArizonaRonFromTucson, and brooktrout’s IPs: to determine whether they were valid posters or not. I went out of my way to only confirm that those posters were legitimate to avoid any kind of finger pointing at posters voting twice for whatever reason.

I outed you as Read because the thread had suddenly become focused on jman voting twice in the poll and it was clear that the arguing wasn’t actually about people voting multiple times, it was just another angle to grind old axes.

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