About Moderation (old original thread)

Are any of the most combative posters arguing for Joe Manchin’s idea of bipartisanship and decorum?

Centrist commentary on the machinations of the centre-left wing of capital don’t interest me terribly, so I have no idea.

I’ve decided that I am willing to meet with people from this forum now. I know I have met at least one person from this forum before in a non-poker context. I just met iron81 at the Horseshoe Hammond and might be capable of meeting other people there on a future date. I tried to meet Riverman in Vegas when he posted where he was playing and missed him.

I will be in Las Vegas for a few days next week, then on to Los Angeles. I am open to meeting anyone in either spot, although I am doing a bunch of family stuff in LA and might not have time. The best opportunity might be if I sneak out to Hollywood Park at night to play poker, but I think increased restrictions in LA might make that a bit harder. I also hope to be in LV for the WSOP and am willing to meet up with people there.


I’ve probably met 50. I’ve stayed at people’s houses in different parts of the country and others have stayed at mine. I’ve played a bunch of home games. Met a bunch of people at Commerce. Done business with people. It’s all about the friends you make a long the way.

I’d 100% be up for meeting you if you are in LA or maybe in LV if I can get there.

(I’m not in LA at the moment. Near Santa Cruz for maybe a week.)


Hey, me too! Well not recently but used to basically live in that place. Fuck that place imo.

I felt like this was something I wanted to have a separate thread for:

You were surprised?

That was the easiest prop bet won ever

@MrWookie why did you lock the thread about me? Did you want to continue the discussion here or were you loftily indicating by some action that the time for argument is past?


What’s left to say? Under the current rules there is no obligation for a mod to be accountable for their actions other than a vote to remove them by the whole community. They are no more required to apologize for mistakes than any other poster. The thread was veering into “My personal encounters with Nazism” so why leave it open?

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There also doesn’t appear to be a rule preventing discussion about a mod’s actions…


Nor one about “My personal encounters with Nazism” whatever exactly that means.

There’s always something left to say. They were literally mid-conversation.


Does this look like a discussion forum to you mister?


If it’s fair to being up what a politician said 10-20 years ago, it’s fair to bring up what someone posted five months ago.

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For the record I don’t care if people quote old posts, I just thought that thread was overrun by anger from all directions.


Everyone is waiting for you to start a separate thread.


I don’t, personally, specifically care all that much if jmakin is banned or not. I do think it’s very odd that a forum where calling someone a hypocrite catches a ban doesn’t consider an admin accessing and leaking private messages to merit a ban.


If he’s been reading everyone’s PMs they’re probably scared to perma him.


Council of Captains: Bans should not be punitive! We should never permaban anyone!

Also Council of Captains: We must permaban a prior admin for stuff he did while an admin even though he will never be an admin again!

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I have a job, good sir. I’m not hiding from the computer so that I don’t have to answer questions about Jmakin.

I was not online when the “PM thread” was published and as a result do not feel especially qualified to take unilateral action. I don’t object to a permaban given Jmakin’s request himself, but I’d need to learn more from the previous mods-in-charge in order to understand their position in not banning him. I don’t mind trying to figure this out.