About Moderation (old original thread)

Quite frankly, I don’t think leaving up toxic posts for all to see is really what we need here.

Quite frankly, the community backed me up and endorsed my judgment, even though you refuse to acknowledge or recognize that. So, I’m not sure why I should I fuel your efforts to weaponize every moderator decision in service of your personal beef.

Jesus christ give it a fucking rest already holy shit


Once again, jalfrezi was aggressive and stupid. Once again, this aggressiveness and stupidity got a reaction out of someone else. Once again, Marty is here to argue for his boy again.

Every single mod action against his bois he is here to whine over and over again. It’s absurd.

Even if you think the actions are somewhat similar, jalfrezi has a long body of work that should mean he has a shorter leash. Get over it already.

And for the people who don’t want to dig into the soccer thread, you won’t be surprised that Jalfrezi was blaming an idiot blaming Americans despite massive amounts of evidence to the contrary.

Unban @Jalfrezi we were promised relaxed posting in the football threads… Enough of this petty shit.

@Aofrantic what u say?

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@MrWookie “jalfrezi banned until tomorrow for personal attacks”

I’ll take my day too…If not give me 24 hours off until I calm down.

Are people out of their mind here?

@aofrantic should be perma banned for making fun of jal for being poor, telling him to get a loan and then saying he’s a leech for not paying money on this website?

The only reply Jal made was ‘fuck off’.


Then what in the hell are you doing here? Again?

They was jus avin a wee bit of banter bout the footy


Was there a deleted Jal post I didn’t see or was he banned for the “fuck off” reply?

Okay, so my reply stands. Calling someone poor and a leech for not donating money is disgusting. My reply would be far worse than Jal.


So, just so I understand you’re mad here because someone was in your mind unfairly temp banned? A single day temp ban?

Why the fuck do you care about this so much? This is a message board, bro. Everyone here is like 35+ and has kids and a mortgage. Imagine logging onto the internet every day at that stage of your life to whine about message board mods.

Truly the most embarrassing shit is taking place in this thread. You guys care WAY too much about this and seriously need to just log off and take a break.

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Buddy I don’t even know who Jalfrezi is

posting in an ‘about moderation’ thread on an internet forum about how people shouldn’t discuss moderation is the most embarrassing thing i’ve seen.

nothing more pathetic than meta-posts about how people shouldn’t post. it’s the same post always too


Guy writes 3 paragraphs about people caring too much


Took like two total minutes to write but go off

These modding threads are consuming the damn site lmao. It’s comical seeing how high traffic this thread is

it’s just the internet bro. go read a different site buddy. what are you, a nerd?

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I’m literally saying everyone caring about modding and forum drama so much is making this place suck. It’s lame.

It’s also an entirely consistent position I’m taking here. Whining about modding, amplifying forum drama, forcing mods to craft all these comically complicated rules - all of that stuff is dumb and you guys should stop being little whiny bitches about everything


I could have written every post you made here in my sleep. I can also analyze the social defects that causes posts containing ‘you guys’ to be so pleasurable to your brain. If you like of course.

Either way, you are just spamming the thread now.