About Moderation (old original thread)

But yes let’s continue defending terrible posting because the flavor of the people speaking out against it is not to your exact liking. Cannot possibly eyeroll harder. People are gonna lash out when posters ruin a good thread for months on end. I don’t know why this is surprising or somehow unexpected. If I were modding I’d ask him to stay out of that thread. I also would temp ban BS for the post. I’m not a mod, so I can only voice my opinion when the topic comes up and that’s what I’m doing now.

Good day.

Yea that’ll work great.

I believe that terrible posting should be allowed but also that it should be allowed to point out that terrible posting is terrible.

I think that boredsocial did more to explain why he believes churchill is a bad poster than most people who accuse another poster of being bad and act like bad posters are obviously bad. It would have been better to include links to specific posts, but it was better than a drive-by one-line attack.

What you suggested has already been done. Short of making a thread about it, which would attract all sorts of the usual characters screeching about anti-european bias.

Consider this me telling a mod in a nice way that his posting in that thread is harmful and bad.

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Ok, I apologize for misunderstanding. It just rubbed me the wrong way when it seemed like you were telling Rexx to toughen up after she said a post like BS’s would make her feel unsafe.


Seems silly to me to have a system where we don’t entrust our admins to also have mod powers.

Also, re: pocketchads, seems like a pretty bad thing to me to have a system where the mods can just unilaterally overrule actions of other mods on their own because they disagree with them.

IIRC jmakin specifically only wanted to do admin stuff and has zero interest in moderating.


If that’s the case then fine. But he someone we trust to admin the website should also have the power to mod imo if that person wants to do it.

Meh. I like separation of powers and responsibilities. I don’t think that trusting person x with admin powers automatically means that we trust them to have good mod judgment. I mean, you guys trust me with the site’s money but I don’t think that means I’d be a good mod.


The idea that you are trustworthy enough to handle our money but don’t have the judgment to decide who gets a 12 hour time-out, or which posts get moved to different threads, is ludicrous.

Yes. The moment someone started hurling the shit people hurl at wookie et al, I would quit.

I think admins have a lot (like almost too much) power already. There’s nothing really stopping me or any other admin from taking mod actions other than the promise I made when I took the role, that I’d not abuse admin powers.

Ggoreo is the only other admin and I don’t think he has an interest in making mod decisions either. I think admins being outside the moderation is a good thing, because it creates some accountability - say a mod or mod team start going rogue and taking extreme actions that cause severe damage to the community or website’s content - then in my opinion you’d want someone outside of any kind of mod bias to step in and remove them.

I just don’t see a need for it but future admins can probably do that if they want.


Sorry if that was how the post read and sorry to rexx, didn’t mean that at all. It was more targeted at people melting the fuck down about harmless insults or aggressive tones. I don’t want to give specific examples because it’ll just rile people up unnecessarily.

I’d be a drunken capricious mad man.

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If Churchill’s posting is making you anxious then you need to take every thing less seriously. Seems to be a common theme regarding the conflict here

I’m not a subject matter expert outside of occasional skimming of the covid thread. I don’t read every post. A consistent theme from churchill is he’ll post some link about how we’re all doomed. To a layperson with an entirely different skillset and knowledge base, it looks convincing sometimes until you or others dissect it. But I don’t always have the time or inclination to sit around and f5 waiting for that, so it causes anxiety. Some of us didn’t go to med school and sucked at biology, which is why I studied math and computers instead.

It’s very hard for me to read churchill’s posting in any other light than he is purposely trying to stoke other people’s fears and anxieties about the virus. If not - what the hell is he doing?

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Presumably fueling his own fears about the virus. I’d put him on ignore if that’s how you feel, because even though I’ve got big beef with him making false claims about his own articles, it’s certainly allowable to post ominous ones.

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I’m in favor of tightening up our personal attack standards personally, but as a mod, I’d want to see wide community support before taking much broader steps myself. The community has generally been pretty lax on personal attacks and against much moderation. If we do elect to do that, then I think we should add at least one more mod to handle the volume and get better standards for dealing with complaints, as there will inevitably be a substantial increase.


Maybe it’s the scotsman in me but I’ve fought tooth and nail with all my friends as kids, all Scots do, it’s a bonding thing that we laugh about now, sure names were thrown, punches were thrown and mum jokes aplenty but at the end of the day we knew we wouldn’t fight IF we didn’t have feelings for each other.

I mean I’ve spent more time on these forums than in the any other place online and so have a lot of posters here too and it ain’t because we have no love for the place or people here, geez I’d trust most here with my kids including BS & Churchill & as I never speak about my children or post about them because their life is private from here and I don’t trust the Internet I would not ever do that but I’d trust most if not all posters here to watch over them if I needed to go for an errand, that says something to me.

And its why I love the place too and it’s posters here, even more so when we argue because then Im reassured that it’s a healthy environment and productive place for me to be.

It is how it is and even if I kick some ass, be assured I’ll drive y’all to the hospital afterwards./s

Stay safe out there :v:

@RiskyFlush thinking off you bud. :heart:


Groundskeeper Willie: It won’t last. Brothers and sisters are natural enemies. Like Englishmen and Scots! Or Welshmen and Scots! Or Japanese and Scots! Or Scots and other Scots! Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!

Principal Skinner: You Scots sure are a contentious people.

Groundskeeper Willie: You just made an enemy for life!


Brilliant :ok_hand: