About Moderation (old original thread)

I’ll continue to have a bee up my ass for you whenever you come into this thread calling for Wookie to step down. Now if you wanna put Wookie the mod up for a vote, I’ll leave you be. I do promise to derail the shit out of this thread every time you bring your troll game here against the mods we got.

Good boy. Keep on not caring while you complain to high heaven about how the big bad moderator was mean to you once.

Wait wat? Don’t think for a moment I’m done.

That’s not the issue. It’s annoying/tiring sure, but what gets him in trouble is that he gets all pissy when he’s told he’s wrong and will die on the stupidest of hills instead of just admitting he’s mistaken. That doesn’t make BS’s post ok obviously.

Also - I’ve repeatedly stood up for Churchill’s continued posting, even when he was bugging the absolute shit out of me. I do that because I think he’s an honest participant the vast majority of the time.

My issue with Marty is that I don’t think he’s being honest in his criticisms and proposals. He’s just carrying beef and using this opportunity to add to drama. I don’t believe for a second he gives a shit about Churchill or the community here at large.

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I find churchill annoying but he’s posting in good faith and I don’t see how “You’re wrong about stuff a lot” would ever be a good precedent for mod action. Not really sure his takes are even harmful, at worst you’d be over-precautions if you bought into his ideas.


Maybe I am too soft but I would probably leave the forum if someone directed a post like that one Bored Social wrote, at me and they didn’t receive a temp ban. I wouldn’t feel safe here and would be upset at the lack of mod support. It’s a no brainer ban imo.


At least for me, I don’t need to refresh, it does it live, but :+1: for the visual aid!

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Wow, you can’t edit your posts in slow mode; gotta make sure the spelling is right first time around.

If you go out like that I’m gone too and I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one.


The fact that you don’t post anywhere else online is irrelevant.

I’m not making assumptions either Marty. This is my conclusion after observing your behavior. Do you look back at your behavior yesterday and think you posted well? You think you got your point across?

I’m open to being wrong about what I think about you Marty but ffs yesterday your posting was brutal and harmful to UP.

Churchill has been posting terribly for months in the covid thread. His posts have caused me a significant amount of unnecessary anxiety because he’s almost always wrong and I only pop in occasionally and don’t read every single post. The intent almost always seems to cause anxiety. I sincerely doubt he posts in good faith.

BS’s post was a little over the line but I understand why he made it and I don’t think he’s wrong.

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Like him or think he’s bad, reading Marty’s posts and concluding he’s dishonest is really daft.


I’m quite surprised by your reaction to Rexx’s post.

Would any mods like to respond?

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Why do mods need to respond?

Respond to Rexx, not you.

I don’t know why it is surprising. I think people across the board should thicken their skins a little. This is truly getting ridiculous. Any little negative post is turning into a massive conflagration like every time.

If everyone keeps this up, this place is doomed.


Instead of telling people to toughen up, why not tell people to be kinder? It doesn’t seem like things will spiral out of control if we don’t allow people to call each other the scum of the earth / hope other posters die in grease fires.

I’m just not really sure how to reconcile these posts other than you like B.S. and don’t like Churchill. Seems like a bad reason to draw a distinction in this case.


That analysis shows an astounding lack of understanding both about me and this board, as well as misrepresents what I’m saying: Churchill’s posting in the covid thread is objectively terrible. Him causing me anxiety because of his terrible takes is not some kind of hypocrisy on my part, it is an objective fact and direct result of his terrible posting.

Should I not feel anxious at his posting? Notice, I never threw a shitfit about it or mentioned it until now. I just ignore him, but he’s hard to ignore when others engage him.

I said I thought BS’s post was over the line already. I’ve literally stated that. What I was saying is I understand why he made the post.

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