About Moderation (old original thread)

Which of course is your only goal here. You’re butthurt about wookie and want him gone, but lost the decision to keep him as mod, so you’ve embarked on a pathetic months long campaign to troll him.

Wanna wish death on someone? Post away. Wanna criticize a mod? 24 hour waiting period and permit required.


I’m the person who politely (I thought) asked for further mod action of BoredSocial after a mod saw and declined to act on his post this morning. Do you really think I am perpetually butthurt? I hardly post at all these days, and am kind of hurt to be dismissed by you like this in these threads.


No, I think you can spot the perpetually butthurt to whom I was referring.

You’ll just continue making this a shit place to be until enough people quit you get what you want. Fuck you, you do nothing but whine, and you will continue to do nothing but whine. We already voted on this shit and you lost. Leave if you don’t fucking like it.

Edit: Undeleted.

You posted and voted in the thread

Because you are not a dictator, and this is not your fiefdom. This is a community website, and the community does not agree with you.


Because as much as you keep trumpeting about how I’m accountable to the community, you seem to think that only applies to me and not to you.

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It was over the line so I deleted it, but if you want to be that way about it. Eat a bag of dicks and fuck off from this forum. You give zero fucks what this community wants and you prove it by not respecting community votes. You know Wookie will be kept as a mod if put to a vote so you will just try to make him miserable enough to quit. You’re little game is completely transparent and I’m gonna call your punk ass out on it every fucking time you try to pull it.

Randomly, piss off with your bullshit.

You are fucking rude constantly itt. Again fuck off. You’ve been at this shit for months. Just piss off, the community gives zero fucks about your crusade against Wookie.

Well. Think the thread needs a pause with hour long between posts.

Sorry for contributing to the shit everyone.

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Cool cool. You miserable shit. The only time I see you post is itt. That’s more than enough info to tell me you suck.

Maybe if we appease them and give BS a temp ban they’ll stop. Sorry BS, but it’s the only way to stop this shitstorm.

I think one poster shouldn’t continue to post absolute bullshit with absolutely no credibility or expertise over and over again and expect to be treated with respect. Thanks to him the COVID thread is our experts arguing with churchill about whatever drivel he’s posted today instead of continuing to analyze and discuss the current COVID events.

Like I get that part of this forum has a wildly different idea of what the forum is about than I do, but that guy contributes nothing to the forum and really should fuck off.

Churchill is frustrating to deal with because he’ll post something, completely misinterpret what was said in his link, and then gets all pissy when it’s pointed out he’s wrong. He did that literally today.

That doesn’t make the post ok, but you don’t understand what’s going on in the covid thread if that’s what you think

Honest question. What’s your stance on a poster wishing death on another poster? What do you believe should happen to the poster who death-wished?

Marty what the hell then dude? If you haven’t kept up with the thread and aren’t familiar with what has gone on in the covid thread, how in the world do you have a position about Churchill’s posting and why are you stirring up shit here?

When I say your main goal is to start drama and not produce solutions, it’s because of stuff like this. You’re here to carry on drama with Wookie. Your proposed ‘solution’ is just a way to get rid of Wookie. It’s entirely transparent.

You’ve managed to take a reasonable position (that BS should face more consequences for that post) and make it into an unreasonable shitshow. It’s not helpful.

I’ll continue to have a bee up my ass for you whenever you come into this thread calling for Wookie to step down. Now if you wanna put Wookie the mod up for a vote, I’ll leave you be. I do promise to derail the shit out of this thread every time you bring your troll game here against the mods we got.

Good boy. Keep on not caring while you complain to high heaven about how the big bad moderator was mean to you once.