About Moderation (old original thread)

I don’t really want to re-re-re-litigate this issue, but surely you remember breaking into a private message between “captains” and posting it to the public for all the world to see. Perhaps that contributed just a tiny bit to you being lumped in with the “other” side.

Possibly. My opinion might be colored by the Korean War discussion we were just having, which does seem to fit that mold. It might be oversimplifying things.

to which I explained my motivations and reasoning and why/how it happened, none of which was believed (and probably still isn’t by many). Doesn’t matter, I don’t and never had a side, and I’m pretty sure if a lot of people are truly truly honest with themselves here, they don’t really either.

even before that happened I was getting lumped in with them by simply trying to support the mod team. even down to me being called a centrist, deplorable, etc despite like, not agreeing with barely anything the people in that group post about. however, unlike a lot of you, I dont need to agree lockstep with someones views to be friends with them, because at the end of the day none of what we believe about anything can possibly matter in the scheme of things.

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In this Perry Mason novel I’m reading they keep calling Della a “girl” and I can tell if she’s supposed to be younger in the books than on the TV show or if it’s just old-timey sexism.

I’ll never know if you’re incapable of understanding any alternative to this strawman or if you’re just that dedicated to pretending.

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This surprised me because I didn’t remember it. I guess you’re referring to this post from an hour ago?

It seems a little different than making a blanket statement that “calling them orcs is good” but that’s fine, yea, I see your point. BBB’s post earlier in the thread was also the one that brought up the Korean War, which prompted a discussion, though, so I disagree that all that matters is who posted it.

Edit: putting the full bbb quote in for context

It can’t possibly be that people saw no point in trying to converse with someone who would say such a thing, and that the post’s existence itself said all that needed to be said, given the context of the discussion that led up to it

Edit: @goofyballer I thought you were talking about an entirely different post by an entirely different user. My bad. I did remember a lack of response to “actually it’s good” posts and thought you were talking about any of those.

“Pretty good” = no one opposed your Conservatism.

Oh, I thought bbb had to be a nickname for one of a couple different posters who made posts that fit gfy’s description and lack of response. I didn’t realize there was someone actually named bbb and I hadn’t seen that post.

I also think this name is hilarious even though I largely disagree

I don’t know that it’s perfect, but it’s of course something that could be added to an argument.

No, it was much more organic than that.


You can’t imagine any other scenario?

True, looks like his first post in the thread was actually responding to you (a post in which you were responding to / agreeing with bbb)

I disagree with your characterization of his posting in that discussion with you, wookie, and bbb as “coming in swinging” though. Even if we don’t ignore the history and potential bad blood there it seemed like it was a relatively fine discussion. Seems like those are the kinds of discussions we should expect (hope for?) on a political discussion forum. Getting back to my original point, something changed in that conversation that wasn’t present at the beginning, and it wasn’t the existence of you or wookie.

Why do I make all these controversial posts and no one will beef with me???


@moderators can we nip this “gfy” thing in the bud please?

Would also be nice if jal’s avatar wasn’t blatantly trolling jman again.

Have you taken a look at jman’s recently? It’s not even a pedophile this time.

Like I said, I couldn’t imagine GFY could possibly be talking about the post you made when he described it the way he did. So I thought he was talking about one of the handful of others like simplicitus or the masterPwn guy. Sorry bud

I assume you’re joking, but an honest response is probably that people generally aren’t looking for beefs and you seem to write long, thought-out posts.

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Why can’t one person have done it spontaneously and others copied it because they thought it was funny?

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