About Moderation (old original thread)

Good for you. My threat stands. Do not take another unilateral action. This is not a dictatorship.

You realize you can’t actually ban me right?

lol, this batch of mods has been the best so far. gonna be a little sad when the forum is gone though.


Where do our likes go when the forum disappears?


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How can you post nonsense like this when the forum voted for someone who explicitly ran on

when your first act is to initially ban only people from one “side” or “team?” Like do you seriously think it’s democratic to campaign on one thing and as soon as you’re elected renege on it?



Serious answer though, I had planned on banning CN also. It should be pretty clear from my history here I am not a fan. But I did want to take an honest deep dive into every poster’s history prior to issuing bans. When I did, I came to the conclusion that at this time the only ones of my original plan that were warranted were church and jal. But I also stated that if CN were to revert to more negative behavior that I would likely end up issuing that ban at that time.

“The 23rd time Churchill is banned it should only be a few days again” wouldn’t be a good argument, so instead you will be called biased against people from the UK or wild lines of attack rather than defending their contributions to this forum.

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Do we get the Vince memes back when meb gets demodded or no?

If goreo wants me demodded, that’s a pretty sure way to lock up the yes vote.

whether or not I did what I did that thread was going to come out, and the issues here are very much having to do with the contents of that thread, not me “exposing” it. this isn’t to downplay or condone my mistake, I shouldn’t have done it, clearly but acting like THAT is the reason things are fubar is completely absurd. that was merely my breaking point in a very fucked situation.

fwiw I find having someone with admin permissions, no matter who they are, thrown around so cavalierly (to just do emojis and stuff) when even the mere threat of me having access is a somewhat of an existential crisis for some people (allegedly, I think it is pearl clutching for the sake of it) is also a bit ridiculous given the fact every single admin can at minimum:

  • read pm’s and personal info
  • copy site backups

at this point I think it’s quite fair to ask the admins to post the full discourse admin/staff logs with personal info removed if necessary, so we can have full transparency here.

colloquial utterances next tribe

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Both meb and riverman were very clear during the nomination process on what they intended to do when they became mod. Then people overwhelmingly nominated them, and we have a small minority going all shocked Pikachu when they do exactly what they said they were going to do.


No one can unban them anymore.

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As goofy said, if you can’t tell the difference between posters who post across dozens of threads in a constructive way, and those who only post in about/to troll, maybe you should do the kind of work meb has done before making any mod decisions?

People who post across a wide range of topics on this forum are valuable to this forum. People who only fight/troll have negative value.

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They were anonymized.

This has nothing to do with what has happened today but the tribalism in this forum sucks and has sucked for a long time. Talking about teams. Working to do things to hurt the other team. All of it. It’s childish and counterproductive. It’s also intensely boring.

That being said I am empathetic to people who feel they have been treated poorly here and I sincerely wish things had worked out differently for everyone.

I’ll say the same thing I said last time. End the bans. End moderation except in the absolute most extreme cases and lets see what happens. Zero chance it can be worse than this.


Right, meb was VERY CLEAR he would not take actions that would be seen to be on the side of only one team, and then he did precisely what he said he would not do

So if I had banned CN and jbro too, no one would have complained? Because that was the original group.

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I’m not sure, it’s something I just happened to notice and the admin logs are sometimes glitchy about showing who performed what action.