About Moderation (old original thread)

I’d like to get to the bottom of why those two accounts go anonymized. Will investigate when I get home


I was going to respond and realized I addressed it in my last post. I think it’s an all or nothing proposition and we have been trying to find a middle ground for a long time that doesn’t work. Like I said above I understand people who take the view that stricter moderation would help.

As I was typing this I saw your edit and I don’t think we really disagree on the bigger issue which is the current system doesn’t work.

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I mean if it isn’t obvious I am on that side as well. I like pretty much everyone on both “sides” and think the othering of the other side by both “teams” is a big part of the issue. You aren’t going to RFC your way out of that.

I do not know if no one would have complained, but I wouldn’t be objecting to you reneging on the platform you ran on, and inflaming tensions between the two “sides” after having said your main goal was to bring the forum back together.

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We should have a way to definitively choose one or other other.

Actually, what I would like is strict moderation in specific threads (COVID, mental health, for example) and letting everything mostly go in other threads, so long as people aren’t using everywhere else to let grudges in protected threads spill over.

Completely agree that someone banned 23 times by 8 different mods should be permaed.

Ban and anonymize every account and start over from scratch. Randomly generated usernames for each new post. It works for those shitty poker sites like RPM; it can work for us.


forum at full throttle

Holiday weekend Fridays go hard.


Piece of advice - just stay out of about unstuck and people won’t bring this up. Post elsewhere and people will rarely, if ever, bring this up but I feel like your history makes it weird to weigh in on forum issues.


thank you for the feedback i will try to do so


Or maybe people could just not dredge up year-old drama?

Or maybe a perma for the one person that deserves it actually be issued?

Lol. That really cheapens what happened, or at least the concerns people have which are genuine.

Fwiw I would welcome back Churchill, jal, Victor or anyone else if they did what jmakin has largely done of late and is just posted a bunch around the forum on a bunch of different topics and not just look to stir up drama.

That doesn’t condone nor excuse the past, but an inability to get beyond the past for users has really killed the discourse here.


quit harder

Lolllll can assure you they aren’t friends. People with divergent opinions to you aren’t all colluding by default.

I mean, either put in an RFC to perma him or just let it go. 90% of the problem with this community is people endlessly digging up eldrich drama just to score points.

It’s irrelevant to the point but you do you

Meh it’s like speaking to a brick wall. People have different opinions to you (I actually don’t really understand what your opinions are on anything other than fainting couching at everyone who self bans in that thread). People are allowed to have legitimate concerns and things are perfectly fine for Jmakin posting in golf/other stuff. It would appear he is making an earnest attempt to contribute to the site but that doesn’t mean we can wipe the slate clean.