About Moderation

This thread is utterly incomprehensible, you guys. What the hell happened? What is this debate even about?

(I’m positive I typed “this debate” the first time.)


Jbro was not moderated for a personal attack on me, he was moderated for referencing old drama. Doesn’t matter who it involved. I haven’t acted on any of the current personal attacks directed at me ITT.


Max demands a pound of flesh in response for any mod action on a forum he doesn’t participate on except to complain about moderation.



hahaha right it was just a happy coincidence that he was referencing a particularly embarrassing episode of yours.

Sour grapes because you can’t ban me? A position just opened up.

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This is an incredibly bad look for the site. The only people who care about rules in this context are those looking to angle them or skirt the edge or whine about them.

Just. Ban. Them. Keep banning them if you have to. This is such a profound waste of everyone’s time, trolls included. Go volunteer somewhere to atone for this shit. The world could use it.

This isnt hard. Stop making this hard.


Do you always grunch this hard? The moderation approach you’re describing is exactly what’s happening. But the results are … different than what you predicted.

No, they’re really not. The handful of people complaining in AM is not really representative of the site as a whole. I’d guess that the vast majority both have no idea what is happening in this thread, and DGAF. And good for them on both counts. Oh, and here’s a hint for not catching bans: stop posting in this thread! Like 95 percent of the bans arise out of stupid conduct in this thread.

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No there’s some stupid gentle escalation shit when permas solve this months (years?) long problem. Like oh no it keeps doubling that means the fourteenth time I’m a huge piece of shit I’ll be silenced for a really long time! That’s crazy! My asshole meter should reset every two weeks!

This is a result of trying to mollify trolls with reasonableness. It makes the place worse. A lot worse.


You can’t actually perma anyone from a website. I don’t think you’ve thought about this very hard.

Me not thinking about this very hard is not the dig you think it is.


It isn’t meant to be a dig. Are you trolling me? I’m saying the issue you think is black and white with an obvious solution has more nuance to it than you are implying. If we perma every disruptive poster the site with 40 people would likely have 5 or 6 left.

Your aggressive post suggests you care about the topic. You bragging about not thinking on it is not something I foresaw.

The death penalty permanently solves the problem of the offender committing crime again but states that practice it are still executing people.


This is true!

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That is… a bad analogy.

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Just for info doxxing is searching for and publishing private infomation about someone on a public website. If someone has already published that information about themselves on the same website it can hardly be classified as private any more.

They’re completely within their rights to request people don’t use/share that info but doing so isn’t doxxing.