Abolishing the Police

I already have the “good guys with guns- the police?” Thread which seems like a good place for this discussion. A little butthurt that thread mostly gets ignored for discussions like this.


Of course, and people in this very forum are doing it in this very thread!

Maybe I am missing something but aren’t the “abolish the police” people saying get rid of the current system and replace it with a Euro style system where cops are demilitarized and many don’t carry guns? Maybe I am wrong here but I doubt anyone is saying we don’t need any law enforcement at all.

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The Nazi Chief in my city (5th largest in the US) is an African-American woman.

I wonder if she knows she’s a Nazi :face_with_monocle:

Ah good point

That’s the compromise position.

What they want is no authority, property, what have you.

I guess put me as being for the compromise position then. How would a system of laws work without anyone to enforce them?

You’ve hit on the crux of the problem with having a slogan like “abolish the police”. Half the people hearing don’t know what it means, really. The other half hear it and assume they know what it means and form their opinion that way.

It’s just how humans are.

I feel like this is the case and we’re all arguing past each other. Like, even in the gifs gregoreo posted way above, there’s a guy who sees a fight and calls an “intervention team” that sounds very much like the kind of demilitarized, Euro-style policing the rest of us are in favor of. Just seems like the slogan dept needs work.



I mean even in a socialist utopia there would still be pedos and murderers and the like right? Someone is going to have to go round those people up.

The hilarious (sad?) part of this is that extremely meaningful reform that will drastically improve the lives of people (even more than Obamacare) is literally ripe for the taking, and the guillotine crowd is like uh no thanks, we want to ask for everything or fuck you, and then the moment will pass and we might end up with nothing.

As always, children gonna children.

Seems like there is a lot of middle ground between abolish the police and the status quo. Like how about (1) repeal the 2nd amendment and (2) disarm the police?


If “Abolish the Police” means Euro demilitarized police then I agree it is needlessly vague and something like Disarm or Demilitarize the police seems better?

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Name one capitalist country without a scummy police force.

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This isn’t about me or any one else here.

This is about Joe Q Idiot who would respond to “abolish the police” with “LOL”. These people aren’t going educate themselves.

If this is a strictly academic exercise, you might win. If this is about changing policy, you’ve lost the argument before it even starts.



Slogan dept gets it just fine. It’s the pedantry dept that’s struggling.


Wanting our politicans to actually stand and fight with their constituents for what is right rather than for their corporate overlords is not an insane idea. You seem to imply stuff like M4A is impossible in this post while ignoring the fact it consistently polls as the majority opinion. The things standing between it are the corporate media and the donor class, not the actual voters.

I guess that’s what all the out of work landlords can do.