Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

Here’s the thing. You have a particularized “it” you are assuming in your own mind.

The problem we are having, and the reason you may feel I’m not being responsive is this: that particularized “it” you have in your own mind isn’t at all what @ PocketChads, or myself, or the millions of other likewise peeps in the world, are actually trying to chat about.

This goes back to that going to school thingee I was talking about earlier.

Nice try.

I’m only trying to explain things to you, and the lurkers of course.

If your response is “nice try”, I have failed. Sorry to have let you down.

OK, I’m trying to not be so much of an asshole now that I’m a typical SoCal liberal here on UnStuck, so I’ll give a nicer answer.

The above: “That how much is too much has nothing to do with it when it really all comes down to equitable distribution of resources, ultimately.” is just not what being horizontal (aka anarchism) is about. This is by definition. This is also as practiced. Being horizontal is about something else.

One of many extremely beneficial side effect of that something else is a more equitable distribution of resources. But again, that’s a side effect, not the goal. Making everything all equal isn’t a goal, necessarily a side effect, or even particularly coherent. One buncha folks deciding how much is too much for another buncha folks is exactly what us horizontals struggle against.

Body parts though…

Not sure how to exit the loop of our convo here, honestly. Posters geeyeesee, pocketchads, sabo and microbet hit on this from a couple angles, and their answers were insightful.

From my perspective of the conversation, you form a hypothetical, like this one, where you create a $100k problem, with the implication being that surely this must be where we need the capitalist to solve the problem. Because as capitalism teaches, housing can’t be coordinated or constructed without the capitalist getting his totally-not-rent-seeking cut.

But here’s the thing:

The people who pay for the homes and occupy them, are real tangible persons. The labor force who built the homes are real and tangible. The materials used to build them are real and tangible things too. All of their roles are necessary.

The capitalist’s rent-seeking role is the only one that is a social contruct. He’s like the guy in the movie Office Space who’s the most afraid that he’s going to get fired, because he has no answer that involves real and necessary work when asked “What would you say it is you do here?”

For now, you are convinced he’s a necessary middleman. I don’t agree.

We may have to leave it at that for now.

And I want to be respectful of the OP, that this thread is supposed to be about landlords.

I always think this general Q is incredibly silly. How “equal” do you imagine everyone could ever eveb be? What does that even mean? It’s such a brain dead stupid concept… I’m fascinated why you feel it’s something adults would even ever talk about. Where to you folks even come up with such total 100% bat-shit bizarre absurdity?

I want whatever drugs you folks take to get this crazy-silly-high !!!1!

Like… I live 100 yds from the Pacific Ocean in Southern California. @ Inso0 lives in Milwaukee. How do you propose we make that all that “equal”?

Come on… throw me a bone. I’ve never once had a fool even explain in one simple example, like the one above, how they imagine such things would be made “equal”? I can’t imagine making Milwaukee better so as to be “equal” with San Diego. Are you advocating making places like San Diego worse so as to be “equal” to places like Milwaukee?

I want whatever drugs you folks take to get this crazy-silly-high !!!1!

Or how about this… @ Inso0 has probably gotten laid more than me… because who hasn’t? How do you propose we make this all “equal” too? I’m all ears to hear of this magical system of making everything all “equal” in these social aspects of live your are pimping onto us. Are you advocating for arraigned marriages or something?

I want whatever drugs you folks take to get this crazy-silly-high !!!1!

Or… how about this: Not everyone is the same height, or as skinny, or as pretty. How do you folks with these imaginary fantasy systems of making everything all “equal” deal with these areas? Are you imagining everyone having their eyes plucked out?

On second thought, I don’t want whatever drugs you folks take to get this crazy-silly-high !!!1!

Here, I gotta song for all you make everything all “equal” in everything types. You know, those high on their own supply, the crazy-silly-high folks…

Cliffs: your “idea” here, to use the term ‘idea’ loosely, is childishly stupid.

Jbro, if you’re looking to have intellectually honest discussions you’d have better luck arguing with flat-earthers.

Really fool?

Why don’t you answer the Qs then. How do you propose to make short people “equal” with tall people?


Stop trolling, 666!

Fool, it’s not trolling to point out that @ Jbro had a childishly stupid so-called idea ITT. A fact’s a fact.

So… how to you propose that smart people be made all “equal” with people like you?

So what’s your purpose in this thread, to concern troll about what others should do? If it’s an intellectually useless thread why even come in here to read posts and then make comments like this? It honestly makes no sense, I’m pretty sure jbro is a grown up and can decide when he’s had enough of the conversation and doesn’t want to continue


So you do indeed advocate for what I’ve characterized as a childishly stupid idea. Good to know. At least you consistent… consistently stupid.

So I got another Q for you:

Some people can’t swim, some people can. How do you propose to make that all “equal”? Are you proposing all swimmers must carry around weights… so they drown too if they fall into some water ?

The day you come up with a solution to pay the labourer and the producer for goods and services is the day you can figure out how to remove the capitalist.

Humans have been trying to solve that problem since thousands of years ago. If the capitalist is the only way for the consumer / labourer / producer to get passed looking at a piece of dirt… Then he becomes absolutely essential.

If you abolish landlords / capitalists, how does housing get built? Renters / labourers / producers are all looking at each other on that piece of dirt.

Now you can pass laws so that the rent is protected. But you don’t have a proposed solution to remove the capitalist and ensure housing gets built.

Well we did try to remove the middleman forcefully. The communists seized the means of production. Governments built housing blocks for people. If you want to experiment with that idea again, let it be known.

Their answer is “It just happens,” even though it has never happened on a large scale and never will.

At least the flat-earthers aren’t as arrogant when they pontificate to all of us sheeple.

In context, this refers to the fascists creating the ruins. A timeline might help…

  • 1936-7-17: Fascists stage coup, start creating ruins
  • 1936-8-18: B.Durrati makes the quote in question.
  • 1936-11-20: B.Durrati killed fighting the fascists in the Battle of Madrid.
  • 1937-4-26: Guernica is bombed by the German Nazis.

My boys, The Clash :heart:, even did a little ditty about this…

You sure throw around a lot of insults for somebody with such a thin skin.