Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

I guess I’m confused about this Spanish revolution. I have one guy telling me it was the workers and then apparently some kind of nirvana set in where capitalists were not necessary for anything. And yet now I’m hearing it was perpetrated by fascists supported by Nazis. (Honestly, forgive my ignorance. I guess I really do need to read up on it.)

I had some cliffs written up, but just read the book. It’s Orwell man. It’s extremely great.

I realize that I am somewhat unique, in that I never really had a transition to speak of.

I remember as a kid in school learning about the civil war. In CA they teach it like this: one of the big reasons the US won the war was that the wage system is more ‘efficient’ than the slavery system was. I raised my hand, and when called on, responded: “So the lesson to be learned is this: that the wage system is even more exploitative than slavery was”. Of course I was immediately corrected: “No, lesson to be learned is this: slavery was bad, the wage system is good”. To which I laughed out loud. And was then was told to STFU.

But I still needed to grow up before I completely let go of the chimera that is voteHarder™… and the feeling of having a weight of 100 fat greasy politicians riding you piggy-back… just evaporating away like the nothing it has always been is simply sublime.


There is no “probably” necessary in that statement. It’s absolutely true.

Sure. I mean, kind of. How exactly equal are you willing for everybody globally to be? Because that’s ultamitely what it comes down to. And there is nothing stopping anybody including me from helping other boats rise by decreasing our own standard of living right now. Yet I still polish off an obscene number of expensive bottles of wine every month.

That’s not at all a goal.

So you’ve found some way to justify and make your peace with it I suppose?

Making my peace with what?

That you have more than some others. I mean this all comes down to deciding how much is too much, at the root of it?

No. That has nothing to do with it.

I don’t see how that’s possible.

How what’s possible?

That how much is too much has nothing to do with it when it really all comes down to equitable distribution of resources, ultimately. I mean am I on another planet here?

No. You just have some assumptions that are tripping you up. Instead of assuming, you could just look this shit up. Or, as the answer is only about 3.5 words long, you could just ask.

I could look up what? I’m kind of interested in how much of your standard of living you (and others) are willing to give up to ensure everybody gets the home, food, and healthcare we all agree everybody deserves. It’s a question I’ve frequently asked myself.

  • You seemed confused and then said it’s all about material things/etc.
  • I said: “that’s not what it’s all about”
  • You continued to seem confused about what else could possibly be otherwise be all about, instead.
  • I said: “you can look that up, or just ask”.

The thingee you could look up is what it’s all about.

Yeah I’m pretty comfortable with my grasp on reality and I’m pretty sure the people struggling to get it are the people that believe everybody gets a home, food, and healthcare without all of us reducing our standard of living to some extent.

Well I’m talking worldwide. Shouldn’t we be?