Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time


Anyways, my cuzz called it way up thread. He said this was the ACers all over again. ACer - RoofRodzā„¢ = liberal. The ACers also played the same bad faith ā€œwhat are youā€ game that the liberals play, and with the same gusto. Some golden oldiesā€¦

Borodog: RoofRodzā„¢ !!!1!
ā€¦ MissileDog: Dude, RoofRodzā„¢ are gibberish.
Borodog: Filthy ā€˜statistā€™, what about the Trail of Tears?
ā€¦ MissileDog: Iā€™m not a ā€˜statistā€™.
Borodog: What are you?
ā€¦ MissileDog: WTF does that matter?
Borodog: I canā€™t ā€˜argueā€™ against you unless I know what you are.
ā€¦ MissileDog: Why not? It doesnā€™t matter.
Borodog: Wa, wa, waā€¦ MissileDog wonā€™t answer any Qs !!!1!

Seriously donā€™t feed the trolls.

Sometimes itā€™s just fun to watch him run around.

Well letā€™s seeā€¦

The ā€˜scoreboardā€™ is actually called a cost/benefit analysis. Identifying the null option is SOP in decision making process. Avoiding overload words is SOP in having an adult conversation

Now, Iā€™m sure that at least some of you liberals are familiar with these concepts in other settingsā€¦ like at work, or with your family. But here, you are gleefully trolling those same exact concepts. Which leads to the natural Q: why?

But at least we have finally got a definite answer from the liberals. Regarding entering the Argue-Domeā€¦ their answer is ā€œnoā€. There wonā€™t be any ā€˜arguingā€™ ITT. Full stop. Which means that we donā€™t have to care about Samantik-ing the term status-quo anymore either. Good riddance. Sounds like a win to me!

So, since the ā€œwhatā€ of what the liberals were bleeting about no longer mattersā€¦ Iā€™m going to move on to what I consider a much more interesting question: why the liberals bleet as they do.

ETA: which would proly be worth doing in a thread of itā€™s own.

We are banning beaches next!


Itā€™s 100% obvious.

Just imagine yourself as a landlord. Evictions are banned. You own a $100,000 bungalow in the midwest that you want to rent out.

Are you renting it to the minimum wage worker (has references and qualifies income wise but works in a factory), or are you renting to the wealthier tenant?

Borodog: RoofRodzā„¢ !!!1!
ā€¦ MissileDog: Dude, RoofRodzā„¢ are gibberish.
Borodog: Filthy ā€˜statistā€™, what about the Trail of Tears?
ā€¦ MissileDog: Iā€™m not a ā€˜statistā€™.
borodog: What are you?
ā€¦ MissileDog: WTF does that matter?
Borodog: I canā€™t ā€˜argueā€™ against you unless I know what you are.

{Here Iā€™m my dog, which only serves to change the whining}

ā€¦ MissileDog: Iā€™m a 12yo Boston Terrier. It doesnā€™t matter.
Borodog: Wa, wa, waā€¦ MissileDog is trolling !!!1!

Borodog: RoofRodzā„¢ !!!1!
ā€¦ MissileDog: Dude, RoofRodzā„¢ are gibberish.
Borodog: Filthy ā€˜statistā€™, what about the Trail of Tears?
ā€¦ MissileDog: Iā€™m not a ā€˜statistā€™.
Borodog: What are you?
ā€¦ MissileDog: WTF does that matter?
Borodog: I canā€™t ā€˜argueā€™ against you unless I know what you are.

{ After a few years, I got tired of pwning the ACers, and I decided that pwning the liberals might be more amusing. So I switched sides. It didnā€™t work on the liberals, who after watching me pwn the ACers for years must have had their ā€œspidey senseā€ telling them to run away. They rejected me as a genuine ACer (as if a genuine ACer wasnā€™t isnā€™t an oxymoron). But with the ACers, hilarity ensued}

ā€¦ MissileDog: Iā€™m an ACer. Welcome Comrade!
Borodog: Youā€™re not an ACer.
ā€¦ MissileDog: Sure I am. Hereā€™s a link to the post where I switched sides. You yourself talked me into it.
Borodog (confused): So, RoofRodzā„¢ are cool, right?
ā€¦ MissileDog: No dude, RoofRodzā„¢ are still gibberish.
Borodog: Well, Iā€™ve been an ACer longer than you. And I say RoofRodzā„¢ are cool!
ā€¦ MissileDog: Well, IDK what you were doing all those years. I do know that I know about 100x more ACer shiz than you do. Please be citing me from M.Rothbard where he discusses RoofRodzā„¢.
Borodog: Wa, wa, waā€¦ MissileDog is trolling again !!!1!

Itā€™s possible, but not necessary true. That means itā€™s not a rule. The thing is there are more than two variables.

In the long run, maybe yes, maybe no. It would have an effect on the supply of rental properties for one thing. And a less secure position for a landlord doesnā€™t mean a vacancy is better and the supply of people is finite. I suspect thereā€™s something like optimal vacancy rate (and homelessness rate) for maximum profitability for landlords and that it would be independent of changes in eviction law. I think other things would change though.

Borodog: RoofRodzā„¢ !!!1!
ā€¦ MissileDog: Dude, RoofRodzā„¢ are gibberish.
Borodog: Filthy ā€˜statistā€™, what about the Trail of Tears?
ā€¦ MissileDog: Iā€™m not a ā€˜statistā€™.
Borodog: What are you?
ā€¦ MissileDog: WTF does that matter?
Borodog: I canā€™t ā€˜argueā€™ against you unless I know what you are.

{ After exactly a year as an ACer, I threw in the towel trying to taunt the liberals into ā€˜argueā€™ with me. This is when, in a stroke of inspiration, I made up and became a Neo-Gorean. Again, the liberals were having nothing of it. The ACers however couldnā€™t help themselves. }

ā€¦ MissileDog: Iā€™m a Neo-Gorean. It doesnā€™t matter.
Borodog: WTF is Neo-Gorean?
ā€¦ MissileDog: Hereā€™s a link to my Neo-Gorean AMA thread.
Borodog: So in your personal little Communist fantasy world, how do people tie their shoes?

{ the above is, if itā€™s not obvious by now, the entire purpose of all this crap from the ACers, and now from the liberals. They wanna ask these kinda Qs all day, every day, Thatā€™s what itā€™s all about to them, and nothing else. And of course, itā€™s all in bad faith. The entire ā€œwhat are youā€ crap is all bad faith. }

ā€¦ MissileDog: Fool, Neo-Gorean has nothing to do with Communism, Itā€™s Libertarian, just like you ACers. We have a awful lot in common, although Neo-Gorean-ism >>>> ACer-ism AINEC. To answer your Q, hereā€™s a linkee to my AMA.

{ where if I had already answered that Q, Iā€™d linkee the A. If I hadnā€™t, Iā€™d copy the Q over to the AMA thread, put the A there, and linkee that back to the ACer thread. After <3 rounds of that crap, itā€™d be time forā€¦ }

Borodog: Wa, wa, waā€¦ MissileDog is trolling.

Wait so youā€™re saying that in the 10+ years youā€™ve been around here, no one has been able to figure out what in gods name you actually support?

And you think itā€™s a decade-long dunk on us that we need to ask this in order to have a productive discussion with you?

I never had high hopes for this thread but thatā€™s just depressing.

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My mind is just blown at this 3 part story about our protagonist who switches his political positions every so often as a bit, the moral of which is of course liberals!!111 acting in bad faith.

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Thatā€™s not what he was saying.

Thatā€™s also not what he said.

Ok the only explanation left is sabo is Microā€™s gimmick account.

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For the record neither of my posts was particularly earnest. Iā€™ll say with half-earnestness though that itā€™s impressive that you managed to make coherent sense out of whatever he was trying to say.

Sabo was posting long before I ever posted in politics in 2p2.