Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

I didn’t make the post in question.

Yeah, I do expect you to respond to the lawnmower and bird memes with…well…you don’t have to be all serious…but, in good faith.

Do you think you know what Sabo means when he says “status quo”? Because if so, and it’s anything close to what I think it is, this thread has been bogged down in bad faith for a long long long time. Sabo has laid out later phases in the argument where, after people understand each other, they can go into debating the merits of different systems. I think you might want to get to that point and I think it’s in your power to move that along assuming another liberal!!1! doesn’t drag things back.

I guess that makes sense.

Do you see how none of the last 500 posts contain arguments in favor of any systems? They are all a desperate attempt to get us to buy into his characterization of a term that he wants us to drop but also can’t help but keep using. Why is that on me?

I think it’s fair to say that violence and cruel gratuitous homelessness have been caused by the system that enables and protects REIT profits. Whether or not they are inevitable outcomes of any system that enables and protects REIT profits and what the expectation is of violence and homelessness in any alternative (including the right now status quo) are interesting questions.

Why do you keep engaging him? He is not interested in debate. Stop feeding the trolls man!

I’m trying to find the balance between discussion profits and cruel, gratuitous violence to my brain.

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Alex I truly commend you for actually being a good faith debater in these discussions.

But there really is not a good faith argument from from Sabo here.

Sabo hyperbolizes or fabricates your position. Ridicules you for it, declares victory afterwards when you refuse to engage in meme arguments. His way of condescending ridicule makes him believe he is smarter than everyone, but really, doing this in an online forum is comical.

I’ve seen thousands of online arguments and this style takes the cake.

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You bet! If landlords are still renting out housing but unable to evict people who don’t pay rent, won’t the landlords be extremely reticent to rent out housing to poor people who might likely run into trouble paying? And couldn’t that actually make it harder for poor people to rent housing?

Landlords are extremely reticent to rent out housing to poor people who might likely run into trouble paying, requiring multiple references including to the current month before so much as agreeing to a viewing. And that does make it very hard for poor people to rent housing.

But I more meant questions about the moratorium.

I know it is hard for poor people to rent. Won’t banning eviction but keeping landlords make it even harder?

I don’t see how. You kind of either have the references or you don’t.

More risk equals higher prices. It’s like the most well established economic rule.

The other thing is if the landlords don’t rent to anyone, they have no hosts to parasite off of. If landlords blacklist 20% of renting folk, and those folks were added to the millions who have been cruelly and gratuitously reduced to homeless by capitalism, what happens? Well profits go down after loosing 20% of the customer base, and presumable property taxes go up, because it’s going to take a lot more cops to keep squatters out of all those millions of empty homes.

Bottom line: Landlords need renting folks, renting folks don’t need landlords.

Everything’s always the most with you.

Says Mr.Econ smarty-pants. Evictions keep rent down. SMH.


OK liberals, I know this is frustrating for you. But it’s purely a frustration of your own making.

Contrary to your bizarre behavior, there’s nothing magical about the label status-quo. It doesn’t matter in the slightest. At any time you could just relabel the “sides” as “option A”, and “option B”. Nothing will have changed. Just like nothing changes when a person changes their name. She’s still the same ole gal, regardless if she is labelled as Miss Smith -vs- Mrs Jones.

It’s LOL-tastical when you liberals say I wont let the term status-quo drop. LOL @ u. We both have to let it drop… not just me. But, as long as you liberals won’t let it drop, and insist on looping around to your Smantikes-ing, I’m going to keep rolling those bbs by you.