Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

Regarding Story #1: The Landlord and the Godfather

  • Sabo’s trolling again
  • He proly has a point, but hasn’t expressed it well
  • He’s saying the landlord racket and the protection racket are the same damn thing
  • Rent Strike !!!1!
  • Bastard

0 voters


Story #2: The Parking Lot

In a capitalist utopia, over the burning river, and through where the clear-cut woods used to be, there is a town called Liberal. Since liberals are full of shit, they need a ready supply of TP. Luckily, and only out of the goodness of the shareholder’s hearts, a multinational ‘created’ a TP factory in Liberal. Up until a few days ago, their parking lot was striped for straight-in parking. Last night Diane, the GM’s wife, asked her if she had considered angle parking. The next morning the GM reserved the conference room, and summoned her senior staff to an ‘argument’, and wrote the following ‘scoreboard’ on the white board. The ‘argument’ went like this…

Metric Null Straight Angle
Money $0 ? ?
Time (hr) 0 ? ?
Spaces ? 100 ?

Mr.K: (a liberal manufacturing engineer) On the ‘scoreboard’, what do you mean by “null”?

… GM: The status-quo.


… GM: Please calm down Mr.K. I’m sorry I triggered you. Now, what are your concerns.

Mr.K: I’m waiting.

… GM: What are you waiting for?

Mr.K: I think it might be because I’m still waiting to see what you are actually for.

… GM: What difference does that make? And you already know what I’m for: maximizing the rent-seeking off of fools like you. Please Mr.K, try to stay on topic. We’re working on the ‘scoreboard’ now.

Mr.K: The fact that the parking lot was resurfaced does not mean that anything about the burden of proof has changed. Diane made the suggestion. I don’t even know why we are here having this ‘argument’ to begin with. Why should we do your lazy wife’s work for her?

… GM: You’re a liberal for goodness sake. I thought your ilk held civility above all. WTF are you talking about? My wife just made a suggestion. That doesn’t place any burden upon her. OTOH, there’s a burden upon your lazy ass. The shareholders of the multinational are paying you to work on the ‘scoreboard’. Can we get back to work, please.

Mr.K: It’s 6:00 pm in Liberal right now. It is the case that if you don’t park straight-in in September, you will likely be towed.

… GM: Can you tell the future Mr.K? I haven’t decided yet. That’s what this whole ‘argument’ is about. If I had already decided, there would be no need to have this ‘argument’ at all. How about working on the ‘scoreboard’ instead of trying to handicap what my decision may be?

Mr,K: Conserving the status-quo of the new status quo that the resurfacing created isn’t automatically granted any legitimacy.

… GM: Legitimacy? Granting? Automatic? I’m sorry Mr.K, you seem to be babbling. The shareholders of the multinational buy you excellent health service… only out of the goodness of their hearts. When was the last time you saw the company nurse?

Mr.K: The current status quo is no striping at the moment but certainly there’ll be some striping next month or in the future. In other words the status quo is predicated on the current status-quo being temporary. No, the resurfacing didn’t magically change the entire parking economy system.

… GM: Can you tell the future? Please Mr.K, the scoreboard…

Mr.K (interrupting): I’m saying there is not a change in parking economy system status-quo just because at the current snapshot in time people aren’t parking between straight-in stripes. Since the status-quo is predicated on the existence of future striping.

… GM: Can you tell the future? Please Mr.K, the scoreboard…

Mr.K (interrupting): There is a TEMPORARY lack of striping. Because we do not live as a flashpoint in time, our evaluation of how something is is based on our expectation of future events. If there is a rocket that’s coming at you at 1000mph, the second before it hits you, is the scenario that I am describing one in which you are totally fine?

… GM (to security): Security !!!1!.. (end of ‘argument’)

At that point the unsafe coal mine below the TP factory collapsed, destroying the factory, the parking lot, and everyone on the premises. The end.

Quiz to follow.


What about sustenance in your little capitalist utopia, Mr.Econ smarty-pants? What are people gonna do — ingest nutrients? Huh?

Mr.Econ smarty-pants: It depends on the price of potatoes in Pittsburgh. If there’s more profit to be made shipping the nutrients there… the answer is “no”.

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A bird pooped all over the parking lot and the white fecal matter sprayed in a pattern that resembled angled parking spots. Sabo the wise hand told everyone to bow before the new null.

No one starves in left-liberaltopia dawg.

That would have been a game changer. This would have been the new ‘scoreboard’…

Metric Null Straight None
Money $0 >$0 >$0
Time (hr) 0 >0 >0
Spaces 123 100 <100

With the bird pooping, both straight & none would have been dominated options (in the game theory sense). So the ‘argument’ would have been over, and the GM would have stayed with the status-quo. Unfortunately, the unsafe coal mine collapse had already destroyed the parking lot and killed all the people.

Mr.Econ smarty-pants: Yep.

In post landlord world, nobody dies from pandemics. Pandemic deaths are a purely capitalistic reality.

Check mate liberals.

In post landlord utopia, houses build themselves.

Asking me how houses build themselves is like asking me what the world will be like May 2nd 2020 9:59AM EST time, which is an absurd question in of itself. Therefore I do not ever need to answer that stupid question!

Do I have to explain everything to you liberals!!!?

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Once we enter into the world of Sabo we enter into the world of Catch-22. Whatever argument we have is immediately looped into a counter argument that refutes our argument by default. As liberals we need to accept this reality.

M8 have you ever read Catch-22?

Stop trolling!!!

When you’re right, you’re right, I suppose.

OK, we’ve finally found a liberal who is willing to enter the Argue-Dome.


Let’s do a ‘scoreboard’…

The ‘argument’: I’m for the status-quo, @danby is for what he calls the “post landlord world”.

Metric Null @danby’s post landlord world
Pandemics needless deaths no deaths at all
Buildings built by construction workers build themselves

OK, I’ll kick of the ‘arguing’. What about construction work in your little post landlord utopia, @danby? How do buildings build themselves? Huh?

  • Danby is ‘arguing’ in bad faith.
  • Bastard !!!1!

0 voters

Naw, they seem to have an endless list of Qs.

Like, can a landlord do DIY evictions by changing the locks. Or, what happens if you don’t pay your credit card bills. To name just two of dozens.

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The fact that questions like “in a world without evictions, is a homeowner allowed to change his locks?” are such stumpers is puzzling indeed!

I mean it is technically true that if I keep asking questions and none of them get answered, I will eventually run out of questions.

Why you would brag about this I have no idea.

What are they again?

There’s literally one in the post directly above the one you quoted.

I thought that one was fielded by Google, though.