Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

Score an interwebs win for you I guess. Although technically I wasn’t taunting or triggering the liberals at all… I was simply making an objective observation. But whatevs… as long as you are here…

Aren’t you at least a wee bit curious why the liberals well fill the sky with lawn mowers over a post of the form “I’m for X, you’re for ____”, regardless of who makes said post?

Just maybe a wee of a wee of a wee bit curious? Maybe?

Except when you called for me to be censured because you thought I was “red-baiting” you.

You’re basically a whiny troll.

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You were red baiting, fool. It gave me a laugh. But whatevs to that gibberish too. But, long a you are here…

Aren’t you at least a wee bit curious why the liberals will fill the sky with lawn mowers over a post of the form “I’m for X, you’re for ____”, regardless of who makes said post ?

Just maybe a wee of a wee of a wee bit curious? Maybe?

{ I’ll go ahead and double post this to save you the bother }

You were red baiting, fool. It gave me a laugh. But whatevs to that gibberish too. But, long a you are here…

Aren’t you at least a wee bit curious why the liberals will fill the sky with lawn mowers over a post of the form “I’m for X, you’re for ____”, regardless of who makes said post ?

Just maybe a wee of a wee of a wee bit curious? Maybe?

{ I went ahead and double post this to save you the bother }

So, let’s talk about the California eviction moratorium. It’s not a ban on all evictions. It delays landlords from kicking out non-paying tenants by sixty days and only if those tenants were paying rent before the pandemic, gave the landlord written notification that they were unable to pay for COVID-19-related reasons, and can provide documentation for their reasons. Evictions for other reasons, such as missing payments before the lockdown, can proceed.

Does this:

  • Go too far in protecting tenants
  • Not go far enough in protecting tenants
  • Give tenants the appropriate amount of protection

0 voters

Fixed your poll. You forgot “Bastard”.

So, let’s talk about the California eviction moratorium. Does it…

  • Gives REIT shareholders the maximum profits that can reasonably be extracted during a pandemic. IDGAF about the violence and cruel gratuitous homeless that ‘creates’ that profit. I’m a liberal. Profits >>>> people 4lyfe !!!1!
  • Gives the REIT shareholders a smidgen less.
  • Gives the REIT shareholders a smidgen less than that.
  • Bastard !!!1!

0 voters

Now I realize a significant number of liberals are going to feel my rephrased poll is trolling. LOL @ them. It’s not trolling if I have a point. So they can go fuck themselves.

However, I realize that the liberals often struggle getting a point. Strangely enough, the more obvious the point, the more they seem to struggle. As I’ve have been taunting & triggering the liberals mercilessly lately, I figured I’d throw them a bone, and explain this point to them like they were five years old.

Let’s start with the original poll. These are the three options: renting folk are protected too much, renting folk should be protected more, and renting folk are protected about the right amount. Fair enough.

Now what are these renting folk being protected from? It isn’t specified. Maybe it’s rape? Of course, the more you are protected from rape, the less you get raped. Let’s give this a spin…

  • Renting folk should be raped less.
  • Renting folk should be raped more.
  • Renting folk are raped about the right amount.

0 voters

Liberals, I just gotta SMH at your values.



But then again, maybe it’s not rape. Maybe it’s murder? Let’s run with that instead…

  • Renting Folk should be murdered less.
  • Renting Folk should be murdered more.
  • Renting Folk are murdered at about the right amount.

0 voters

Liberals, I just gotta SMH at your values.

Of course, I could also be robbery. Let’s run it again…

  • Renting folk should be robbed less.
  • Renting folk should be robbed more.
  • Renting folk are robbed at just about the right amount.

0 voters

Liberals, this completes your lesson for today. Any questions?


@clovis8 , as long as you are here…

The above is an extraordinary sequence of posts. You should give yourself a big pat on the back. You had an epiphany. An ah-ha moment. I especially like your eloquence in real time: “It’s like I was talking about a fun trip cat fishing to catch diner for a BBQ and you were taking about your buddy accidentally dating some dude he met online.” Sweet !!!1!

As I’ve mentioned, I’m not particularly interested in ‘arguing’ the ‘good’ & the ‘bad’ & the ‘strawberry’. Just not my thing. I am, however, quite interested in epiphanies.

I’m going to ask you two favors: let’s chat about epiphanies, here, in a new thread, or by PM -and- extend to me a benefit of a doubt. As a token of good faith, I’ll stop calling you a liberal.

So, it’s day #30. For 30 straight days, the liberals have refused to ‘argue’. How do you get a liberal into the Argue-Dome ???/? I’ve tried asking them… no luck. I’ve tried truanting them… no luck. I’ve tried triggering them… no luck. It’s like all the way to the beach, the liberals are in the back seat whining about how they just wanna go body surfing… but when they get to the beach, they’re scared to put their toes in. Liberals… you can drive them to water, but you can]t make them swim. SMH.

Well, let’s try this… if we are doing it right, we should be able to ‘argue’ either side of the ‘argument’. Maybe that’ll get the liberals off dead-center here. After 30 days… anything is worth a shot. Here we go…

"Side A is for the status-quo, while side B is for _____". The status-quo is defined as a snapshot of the rules at the time the liberals fill in the blank. We’ll do some kind of virtual coin flip to decide who gets side A, and who gets side B,



Mission Accomplished

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Here’s how a liberal looks at things…

Violence Liberal viewpoint
Murder ZOMG murder is “bad” !!!1!
Rape ZOMG rape is “bad” !!!1!
Robbery I’m for the robber


I have no remorse for these fuckers.

Lived in a building where half of the 250 units were airbnb.

My shoes were stolen, elevators taking 5 mins to reach my floor because armies of cleaning people were going floor to floor.

Parties all the time.

Airbnb operators asking me when I am leaving my apartment so they can take over.

They printed coin during the good times. They can go ahead and hand these apartments back to the landlords.


Story #1: The Landlord and the Godfather

In a capitalist utopia, over the burning river, and through where clear-cut woods used to be, there was a town called Liberal. Liberal is divided by railroad tracks. Renting folk live on the south side of tracks. Freeholders to the north. Since this is a capitalist utopia, there’s a shit-ton of homeless folks. They are forced to dodge the trains and the cops. On both sides of the tracks, the housing stock ‘grows’ by X% per anus.

South of the tracks are ruled by a benevolent and anonymous landlord. Let’s call him Mr.Reit. The company that Mt.Reit hired to manage ‘his’ rentals has employees who are nice & friendly. They send all the renting folks a turkey on thanksgiving. When a rental house has reached the end of it’s useful life span, they hire construction workers to erect a brand new one… all out of the kindness of Mr.Reit’s heart. Once, after her husband had been killed in an unsafe coal mine… the property managers even let kindly old widow Jane be a month late on her rent !!!1!

South of the tracks, everyone hands over a third of their wages to Mr.Reit, because it’d be a shame if some goons with shiny badges violently threw their family out into the street, and tossed all there belongings on top of them.

Meanwhile, north of the tracks in Liberal, all the freeholders hire Acme Services to do their home maintenance, because it’d be a shame if those nice freeholder homes got arsoned.

Acme Services is owned by benevolent and anonymous job ‘creator’. Let’s call him Mr.Corleone. Mr.Corleone is very liberal. Instead of charging a fixed price, he chargse on a sliding scale based on income: one third wages. Mr.Corleone realizes that times are tough, so he has directed the employees of Acme Services to pay ‘his’ customers insurance and property taxes for them… all out of the goodness of Mr.Corleone’s heart. The employees of ACME Services are nice & friendly. They send all the freeholders a turkey on thanksgiving. When a freeholder’s house has reached the end of it’s useful life span, they hire construction workers to erect a brand new one… all out of the kindness of Mr.Corleone’s heart. Once, after her wife had been killed in the same unsafe coal mine… the employees of Acme services even let kindly old widow Joan be a month late on her maintenance payments !!!1!

Quiz to follow.

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