Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

OK, my bad. I had a reading failure. I somehow imagined that your post read “Have you addressed…”, when of course, you wrote “How have you addressed”. Again, my bad.

That’s what all that shiz about Adam Smith & Georgism & etc/etc was about. That’s how I addressed econ.

Ok but post pandemic status quo still involves private ownership of land and thus rent seeking speculation. So you addressed it as a side track with a different solution, but the question of what this current status quo would do in the long term to supply and would potential solutions to that create a less efficient system remains unanswered.

The exchange between @anon10396289 and @All-InFlynn above is really all you need to know about this thread.

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OK, it only took 1188 posts for the liberals to find a champion, but here we go…

Argument: Should renting folk allow the pre-pandemic status-quo to be reinstated.

Reasons For Against notes
Less Violence X by definition
More Wealth Creation X so claims standard economics
Renting folks best interests overall ? ? ?

I don’t want to be accused of ZOMG STRAWMANNING… but I believe your issues above should also be worked into this table.

Are you liberals with me so far ???/?

Sure, we haven’t chatted that part out yet. So far, we haven’t been in a place to even have that chat. No coherent chat can begin until Tina & Mr.Econ are killed. It took ~1200 posts to lay the foundation for such a chat.

Horse before the cart, and all that jazz.

Yup, someone barging in and loudly saying GEE GAWLLY THE LEFT WON’T ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS BY GUM and then being gently walked to the realisation that there aren’t any applicable unanswered questions is a fair enough summary, imo.

yes yes no unanswered questions at all, carry on

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Well you named one (1) and immediately conceded it wasn’t applicable, so…
Homer's Memory

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I…didn’t concede it wasn’t applicable? It is obviously very applicable.

Ah it may be easy to forget that “How would anything work?” is an inapplicable question to this thread so it doesn’t count. Another tactic straight out of the ACist playbook.

How is a question about ‘the system he’s advocating’ applicable when he hasn’t advocated a system ITT? He explained in 1162 what he’s been doing ITT.

In what circumstances are you asking how ‘anything’ would work?

Advocating for the end of paying rent and landlords IS advocating for a system. Not a well thought out system or a well-articulated system. Which should obviously make it more susceptible to criticism, rather than being immune to criticism.

But sabo seems to think that if you don’t actually describe how a system might work then it can’t be criticized.

I wouldn’t say so. He seems more to be advocating against a system, which he’s termed the pre-pandemic status quo. He’s also asked whether you’re with him so far. Answer, so far, has come there none. Ἰατρέ, θεράπευσον σεαυτόν?

When someone is advocating against the status quo, then of course a reasonable question is “and replace it with what”?

He’s not advocating against the status quo, he’s advocating for it. I bet negotiatiors at the end of the Six-Day War didn’t have a conniption when someone mentioned the status quo ante bellum, and that was only six days. How long has this been going on?

But again, this has been addressed in 1162, and I think Sabo still wants to know if you’re with him so far. Might be better off talking to him, if you’re so all-fired curious what he thinks of this and that.

As I mentioned, to compare two things, we need to (a) be able to discuss each in isolation, and (b) pick a metric.

So… we need at least two things that we can discuss in isolation to ‘argue’. I’ve clearly picked one: 9:00am pdt, April 27, 2020, in California if it matters. If the liberals wanna ‘argue’, they gotta pick something else. That something else could be historical or hypothetical. But they gotta pick a something for there to be anything to ‘argue’ about.

Are you with me on this at least?

“Conserving the pandemic status-quo” is advocating a system smart guy. It’s a nonsense hypothetical - if you go on vacation and I break into your house and settle in in the meantime, the new status quo that I’ve created isn’t automatically granted any legitimacy.

But it still requires answering the question of what happens if I don’t pay rent.

The current status quo is maybe no evictions at the moment but certainly some evictions next month or in the future. In other words the status quo is predicated on the current situation being temporary. No you didn’t magically change the entire housing economy system because of a natural disaster.

To be clear - you’re asking what happens if, just currently, someone occupies a vacant, but owned and ordinarily-occupied residence (I don’t think paying rent comes into it)?

Yeah man, I already picked something. The status quo, the housing system we’ve had for decades in this country.