Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

A purely capitalistic society WAR over a Socially democratic capitalistic society is probably in the negatives actually.

But if you remove Capitalism from the total equation, we are back to growing potatoes out of the ground to feed ourselves.

I think the trajectory of history has pretty clearly answered that question.

What’s the solution?

Of course the land was taken from First Nations. Nobody disagrees.

Now solve…

That’s because, for propaganda reasons, the West (and the USSR), decided socialism means government control instead of worker control. 2020 Germany is more socialist than 1920 USSR.

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The point of the question is to change our thought process. That is the way we should view it vs something being good or bad.

Obviously there is no way to know. At least not with our current knowledge.

The best system revolves around a central capitalistic pillar. With socialist policies around.

  1. Free healthcare
  2. Subsidized education
  3. partial nationalization of big pharma
  4. Rent Control
  5. Let Capitalists do their thing with oversight.

The only question I see is how to tinker around the edges.

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It’s not just 20th century history. It’s thousands of years of history.

The general economic trend has been towards more capitalist institutions.

Obviously this. Although rent control depends on what you mean.


I’m against the craven dishonesty that courses through these conversations. Oh word no shit they couldn’t get blue jeans in Soviet Russia wow you don’t say good God shut the fuck up.

It’s absolutely insufferable.

Ok, now,

Carry on.

You literally said earlier all capitalism is bad as proved by…the pandemic.

It’s the exact same dumb argument.

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Notice how the liberals, now that their ECON 101 “wisdom” has gone down in flames, have tossed standard economics under the bus, and are now all-in on results oriented thinking.

SMH. Let’s go to Walmart…

About 80% of Walmart’s inventory comes from China.

Well, it seems the Communists are better than the capitalists in ‘creating’ retail items sold by the largest retail chain in the history of the world. That’s by a ratio of 4:1… AINEC.

LOL @ results oriented thinking !!!1!

Not enough lols for your capitalist here. He wants what we want by how you gonna pay for it? Here’s the actual conversation right now in the US:

Everybody: Hey capitalist, we need to give everybody some money to buy a smaller portion of your stuff while they stay home so they don’t die. We’ll pay you, too.

Capitalist: No, everybody needs to come to work and buy more of the stuff than you will, otherwise I will be a little less wealthy.

Everybody: But millions of them will die.



Lol non-sequitors.

Isn’t the real question here “why do clowns wear red and blue makeup?”

That’s a pretty silly argument. People who lived in tiny villages didn’t have stock markets? The analysis of why standards of living are higher now than thousands of years ago needs to take a lot more into account than “capitalism”, however you’re defining it. And specifically in regards to markets, they have hardly uniformly become more free and what people think of as capitalism nowadays is often things that make markets less free. (corporations - monopolies of all kinds - intellectual property)

99% of the reason modern life is easier (such as it is - people do not work less than in many other times and places) is because of technological improvement and crediting “capitalism” with all advances in technology is something people who are wrong most of the time like to do.


Sorry to break it to you, but China has literally abandoned communal ownership of production for a few decades now.

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LOL no. Capitalism only dates to c.1600… ~400 years, not thousands. History really isn’t a strong point for our liberal friends. SMH.

I did not make any of the arguments you just summarized.

I simply pointed out that, in general, since hunter-gatherer days to today the change has been towards increased systems of capitalism. It’s not a straight line but the trend is clear.

This doesn’t even mean it’s necessarily better. It’s just an obvious trend those who would change the system must explain.

This is pretty funny. Let’s not debate who knows more history. You won’t win.

Perhaps you should use a source other than Wikipedia.

Sorry to break it to you, but the USSR abandoned communal ownership of production when the Communists suppressed the soviets c.1918.

Lol non-sequitors.

Isn’t the real question, “why are there different chip flavours in Canada and the US”.