Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

The part that you keep missing is this: I’m not saying that Georgism >>>> our pre-pandemic status-que in every imaginable metric here… instead here I’m only considering the metrics espoused by standard economics. So, if you are saying that…

  • Standard economics is correct. Our pre-pandemic status-quo means less wealth-creation. But… you feel that considerations outside and beyond the metrics of standard economics are obviously much more important than this admitted lack of wealth creation.

Considerations like our pre-pandemic status-quo is better at providing a progressive tax, or our pre-pandemic status-quo is better at avoiding income disparity, or that the systems championed by standard economics simply don’t ‘work’ in the real world.

I would have no disagreements with your thinking here at all. Is this what you are really trying to say ???/?


Imagine living through the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic and seeing doctors and nurses from rich as sin USA#1 wear garbage bags and having the audacity to think your worldview is somehow still intact.

Imagine living through the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic, where the landlord system had to be legally suspended because it simply, obviously, and objectively doesn’t ‘work’… and still having that worldview intact.

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This entire Covid-2019 Pandemic convinces me even further of this entire system even with all the bailouts.

All the employees being laid off are incapable of providing for themselves unless you bring back the jerb creators to employ them again.

And during this pandemic the jerb creators were forced by the governments to shut down. We need more jerb creators before Pandemic, during Pandemic, and post Pandemic. Ever and always.

The only actually intelligent and worthwhile conversation to have is how to balance reigning in capitalism and injecting more socialism for the less well off.

Imagine being as level 0 a thinker as sabo or 6ix.

They literally don’t see the similarity between this stupid idea and …

“Hey guys socialism obviously doesn’t work. Just look at Russia.”

Stop trolling asshole !!!1!





“Hey pot, you’re black”

Me, a filthy leftist, maybe a pinko bastard for the sake of this example: We should make enough masks and stuff in case some bad stuff happens.

My comrade: Aye aye, comrade.

A capitalist: Do you think we should make make enough masks and stuff in case some bad stuff happens?

His fellow parasite, maybe bbb:

Stop trolling asshole !!!11






It’s a response to that, how capitalism gets infinite mulligans.

Capitalism produces 80 trillion $ in GDP per year for the entire planet earth.

That’s why it gets infinite mulligans.

Is it perfect system? No. But no other system is able to put more food on the table reliably than capitalism has. So be it.

Baseball has a metric called “Wins Above Replacement”. What do you think capitalism’s WAR is?

I’ve been pondering this questions myself.

You have the conversation wrong.

You: we should make more masks, in case.

Capitalist: of course but that cost money we have $100 total masks will cost $20.

You: we should just make everyone perfectly equal and free access to all goods just give everyone $1.

Capitalist: I love that idea but it costs money. But who will pay the $20 for the masks? If we make endless masks we aren’t spending that money on say feeding the poor.

You: equality for all. Feed the poor.

Capitalist: I love the sentiment. I agree but how do we do that?

You: who cares about the how. Equality for all!

It’s somewhere on this ruler…


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When someone says capitalism is bad, I think they are usually talking about a lot more than just free markets, but when people respond in defense, they are usually just talking about free markets.

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Stop trolling asshole !!!1!







This is a good point. It probably does represent much of the disagreement.

don’t pretend you didn’t see my question

We came and claimed unclaimed land. Shrugs?

We ain’t coming back to pre-Roman era buddy. Its too late for that.

If you are so against forceful seizure of land and property, why are you advocating for it now?

Oh, you’re real dumb. Ok, never mind.