A Thread for People Who Hate Themselves: Liveblogging Trump's SOTU

Nancy not standing for that asshole who is going to die super soon is A+++

Lol yeah sorry. Aimed at rush

I’m literally throwing up onto my television

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that was quite a fake reaction

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Zomg! I am so shocked!

Sinema is a worthless sack of crap.

This is just ridiculous.

They’re actually doing the medal during the SOTU? LOL what a joke.

rush’s jaw dropped like he was expecting us all to throw pills in it


lmao looking around with your moth open

This is sickening

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What the actual fuck

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Rush is on all the drugs.

This is legitimately disgraceful.

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Next up, posthumous MOF for Goebbels


God, this is fucking gross.

dubya tee eff did I just watch?

This has to be the lowest point in State of the Union history.

Congratulations on your cancer Rush.


Thats his 4th wife. Honestly, fewer than I thought.

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Now I wouldn’t be surprised if he “you’re fired!” someone while he’s at it. It’s amazing how efficient Trump is at ruining stuff.