A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

How would it help after exposure? Seems weird.

You can vaccinate against this after exposure but before symptoms.


I wanted to honour the 6 weeker

Which is another reason this testing issue is a big fucking deal. The mortality rate in kids has been estimated as high as 15-20% and the FDA is letting kids take a vaccine that hasnā€™t been tested on kids. But you have to get it into their arms before symptoms start. If we have it, his baby already has bumps and his daughter could get them any day, but weā€™re getting a colossal run around on getting tested. A day could make a significant difference.

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The problem with urgent care is they are very narrow in the scope of what they want to handle. They have a list of services they offer and if your thing isnā€™t on the list youā€™re SOL.

Key word being want. But the problem is the county is telling me to go there, like the messaging on this is a trainwreck.

They look similar to staph issues ive had before.

Thatā€™s the bacteria that causes it

Well thatā€™s not what I want to hear, either. Yikes.

My buddy decided to go with the show up to an urgent care instead of asking about monkeypox approach. Heā€™ll ask about it with the doctor.

Heā€™s in, waiting to see a doctor.

Having no medical knowledge, from just skimming the posts and without looking at the picture, Iā€™m confident that one of the adults has shingles, and the other adult(s?) and kid got chickenpox from him

I never had chickenpox as a kid so I probably donā€™t have shingles, itā€™s theoretically possibly I have chickenpox, I guess.

Urgent care doc just refused to test my friend. He says it looks like folliculitis and itā€™s common this time of year, and if he were vomiting or showing flu like symptoms heā€™d test.

So to summarize, I called this same urgent care center and was told they canā€™t do a monkeypox test. My friend showed up without bringing it up and was told they could but they wonā€™t.

A+ system weā€™ve got. USA#1.

BTW this is not listed as a symptom at all on the CDC site. What a shit show.

I would have done the same


You should look into getting the chickenpox vaccine, no?

I donā€™t know anything about that. I assumed if adults were supposed to get it that it would be brought up during an annual checkup. Is it a thing I could do?

I would talk to my doctor right away about getting a chickenpox vaccine.

Youā€™re talking about this in general, right? Not related to this situation? My buddy says he had chickenpox as a kid, fwiw.

Ya, Iā€™m not a doctor but seems like you should at least ask your doc about it regardless of whatā€™s currently going on with you.

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If CW is 33 or younger he probably got the chickenpox vaccine already.