A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

Yeah I’ll do that for sure in the next few weeks. Wanted to make sure you weren’t suggesting that this could be chickenpox and that a vaccine now might help. I know very little about chickenpox beyond that it’s usually in kids, itchy bumps that can scar, very transmissible, can cause shingles and shingles sucks a lot.

Nope, 36. 99% sure I never had the vaxx or caught cp. I hate itching and can rarely resist scratching so I’m pretty sure I’d remember. Will confirm with my parents this evening.

Definitely get that. Extended family lost a 30 something mother to adult onset chicken pox pre vax.

Some people that age got the vaccine. It’d be a simple thing to get titers done if there’s any confusion.

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That’s awful, I’ll definitely ask about it. I was previously under some false impressions apparently.

Can this tell if you’ve had chicken pox or been vaxxed? I’m the only one of 5 kids that they are not sure had the pox. (I would almost have had to though if the other 4 did for sure?)

Requires an antibody titer

I’m wondering if this is due to the hot weather and excessive sweating.

Real subtle.

It won’t, chickenpox and monkeypox aren’t closely related at all but you should still get vaxxed against chickenpox. It’s usually worse when adults contract it than when kids get it and sometimes the consequences can be serious.

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I think you should play as much live poker as possible so that if you have monkeypox you spread it far enough to force government to respond more strongly.

You’re advocating for a body count that would likely manifest itself in kids. Post better.

Government is not doing to do anything unless the body count gets high enough. They will be more likely to act if the numbers are bunched rather than spread out over time because it will be more noticeable.

A spreader event outside the gay community will raise visibility of the issue. I don’t take the sweet summer child approach of expecting government to do the right thing before something like that happens.

Channel your inner Rudy Gobert and lick that microphone. It will probably save lives in the long run.

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This is in profoundly shitty taste.


It’s math, though.

Every US citizen could channel their Rudy and lick a microphone and it wouldn’t cause the US govt to act any more on monkepox. But it would cause more deaths. The govt is focused on other shit, not monkeypox


Let’s start off with my assertion that government won’t act unless the body count gets high enough or there’s some sort of non-gay spreader event that raises awareness. Does anyone disagree?

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Let’s not


No it is fucking idiocy. Advocating intentional community spread of monkeypox is fucking dumb. The government is highly unlikely to take action and, even if they were inclined to, can’t get more vaccines for months and aren’t going to fund a proper response.

Plus your whole big picture plan is get Democrats elected at all costs. If have to break a few eggs (approve sexism and racism), that’s cool if it makes things better off for white guys. A rampant monkeypox pandemic come elections….not going to get Democrats elected.