A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

Right, I’m pretty sure we’re talking about the exact same materials they’d use to test for chickenpox or strep throat or COVID.

Avoid the ER if at all possible, try to self-isolate as much as you can until you can get a diagnosis and try not to stress out.

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This is what they look like, by the way. This is the underside of my forearm. They initially look like a normal pimple, then a pimple with the white spot like pus or whatever. Then the entire raised portion turns white and the surrounding skin gets a little red - as pictured. On one of them the white has shrunk back down in the last 10-12 hours, so we’ll see what happens next.

Yes, that doesn’t look good, IMO (not a dr but that ain’t no heat rash)

I’ll link to the BBC snaps of Monkeypox…

Here follows the 6 stages of the same monkey pock (?), check out top left (1st stage)

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Redacted for privacy.

If three or four people all have those same bumps/pimples I can’t imagine the people with the newborn aren’t going to try to get this diagnosed asap.

Yeah I saw those exact pictures in my searches last night. It’s just one of those things where there are so many pictures going around right now of monkeypox that it’s pretty easy to find one that looks similar to any bump you may have. So it’s hard to draw any conclusion. The one we popped thinking it was an ingrown hair ended up looking kind of like the bottom right picture afterwards. I’d say the middle looked almost like a mosquito bite, and the top layer of skin kind of peeled back around it like in the picture.

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Two of us have the bumps for sure. His baby has a pimple on the shoulder, hopefully. But it’s a weird place for a pimple. I imagine their level of concern goes up a ton if the baby gets a second bump or the bump starts to look like this.

But yeah we’re also kind of stuck in a holding pattern given the phobias about this among medical facilities. If I have to start begging on Monday I will. Like I’ll stay in the parking lot in an N95 and stick my arm out the window and they can come out in full PPP and swab it, I don’t care.

Silly that they’re totally lassez-faire about COVID and terrified of this, as adults. I guess people care more about scars than death.

Derm friend says doesn’t look like monkey pox but there’s a lot of variation. Looks more like foliculitis


This is why we are reasonably likely to end up with a smallpox vax for all. Public health 101 is making testing for this easy.

Might be better off just telling health officials you had some gay sex last week thanks to lol CDC.

That said, despite the idiocy of not being able to easily test this, try not to stress. It probably isn’t monkeypox, especially if you have no other symptoms.

He does. I don’t want to post them because he posted and deleted.

Oh, then mega lol healthcare for not testing him. Zero learned from early COVID

I don’t blame the urgent care employees fwiw, I wouldn’t be testing for this either. This is on the government for not ensuring proper testing places with proper precautions in place.

Monkeypox gonna be extra special because isolation is like 3-4 weeks and zero financial support coming.

This should be way easier to address than COVID but the western world just failing again. Zero confidence we would be able to contain something real nasty getting loose.

Hope we can at least get the old school smallpox vaxxes ready for use fast in case we need to vax the high risk this fall/winter.

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it’s probably scabies

Not sure if serious but 100% no


I’d imagine the no. of anti-vaxxers would be well down if covid affected the anus

Welcome back @Churchill.


Ok that’s good at least. Can folliculitis spread from one part of the body to another? Like it’s not like my forearm is coming into contact with my thigh or my calf or my back, among other places. Also it appears that if that’s what it is, I’m basically just supposed to try not to rub/scratch it too much, maybe put some cream on it, and it’ll resolve itself right?

Seriously considering this and wondering if that’s playing into the 98% figure.

Yeah I mean it’s whatever, not a huge deal to share them I guess, just didn’t want to subject people to TMI, but some do match.

I mean everyone I spoke to agrees I should be tested they’re just all in agreement it should be someone else in some other facility who does it.

I mean, yeah but I didn’t sign up to be the person testing for this, or chickenpox, or strep, or anything… I feel like they don’t want to test it because of the gay scare, which once you get past the bigotry is funny. Like if you think that it only spreads from gay sex, what are you scared of?

Yeah I’m blessed to have a recent windfall and some earning ability from home. Even still it’s going to be a huge pain.

There is a potentially funny scenario where my buddy and I both have to quarantine, and that he has to tell them why. I’m about to interview for a part time side gig with them (it’s sports journalism so a passion project for me), so they may ask me to cover for him in which case they’re going to draw some funny conclusions. My girlfriend is already cracking jokes. His wife is too worried about the kids to go that route yet.

So far the risk/reward seems pretty out of whack to use the old ones.

I dunno, they just approved using the new ones on exposed kids with no testing of the vax (compare vs how long it took to approve COVID vax for kids with way more testing). Monkeypox not great for kids, if it really gets loose might have only bad choices.

Do you have a link to that approval? His newborn has a second bump, fuck.
