A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

The majority of the stockpile is the old vaccine, which uses live attenuated smallpox and can kill you. The new vaccine is only like 10% of the stockpile, and the company that makes it is fairly small and was used to very predictable demand (orders coming in 1-3 years in advance to replenish stockpiles).

Before this outbreak, Bavarian Nordic was worth about 25% of what Moderna was worth pre-COVID, as a point of reference.

They need to partner up with someone and it may not happen unless/until corporations are worried about monkeypox and governments are leaning on them to partner up.

Any idea on how this affects older people? Weā€™ve always bern told that chicken pox is quite dangerous for the elderly. Is monkey pox similar?

I donā€™t think we know yet, but despite the name chickenpox and monkeypox are completely different types of viruses. Chickenpox is a herpes family virus. Monkeypox is a poxviridae.

I thought we were gonna rename it or something, but it looks like weā€™re sticking with monkeypox.


San Francisco starting to order some of the OG smallpox vax

Fuck this country. Fuck this healthcare system. I have monkeypox symptoms and the doctor agrees I need to be seen and get a test ASAP and nobody will fucking let me come in to get tested. County health told me tests are widely available and any urgent care can do it, but that I should call first to make sure.

Urgent cares are telling me they wonā€™t do it, donā€™t come there.

Iā€™m going to end up having to go to the ER, probably waste like 5 hours of my day, and pay out the ass for this, even though my symptoms are mostly mild and I donā€™t actually need any care - although Iā€™d kill for an anti-itch cream that worked. Only getting tested for friends I was around to make sure that if Iā€™m pozzed they can get the vaccine, one has a newborn. No way Iā€™m going to be allowed to get treatment with a mild case when itā€™s legit more than 120 pages of paperwork to get the anti-viral.

Oh and the people at urgent care answering the phone donā€™t know shit about this. One told me it has to be done at the hospital because itā€™s bloodwork. I was like no itā€™s a PCR test you swab it and send it to the lab, ā€œWe donā€™t do that here.ā€ Website says thatā€™s exactly what the fuck you do there, asshole.

The narrative around this is making every racist or homophobic person in the healthcare system who answers phones turn people away left and right. Fucking America, man. If thereā€™s a way to fuck over a discriminated group or fuck up healthcare, we will do it, and if we can do both at once fuck yeah USA#1 forever.

Donā€™t go to the ER dude.

Also canā€™t imagine youā€™re at high risk for monkeypox

Iā€™m not but I was around my friend, his wife, and kids - and one is a newborn. Friend has bumps, newborn has one on his shoulder. Itā€™s a coin toss whether I gave it to him or he gave it to me. Main issue here is if we have it, weā€™re worried about his baby, and it seems like getting tested is the move?

Symptoms, in order:
(edited symptoms out for privacy since CN has seen them now)

Basically the issue here is nobody wants to come into contact with someone with monkeypox so the only way to get a test seems to be to pay out the ass at the ER. Any suggestions? Guess I could expand the radius to urgent cares within a 60 minute drive.

My suggestion would be to not go to the ER and pay when they likely wonā€™t test you. Doesnā€™t sound like monkeypox

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Looks like ride it out is going to be the outcome here, nobody who isnā€™t legally required to see me if I walk in will see me, soā€¦ yeah. USA#1

If not monkeypox, what? Like I canā€™t come up with anything else that would cause bumps like this, transmit from person to person, and cause the other symptoms. In theory some of the symptoms could be psychosomatic, but some like the headaches and neck stiffness I didnā€™t know could be attributed to monkeypox until I started experiencing them and looked it up.

So many people with bumps. Are your friends getting this diagnosed? They must be because of the baby.

I talked to a doctor from my primary care office on the phone and he listened to the symptoms and said I should definitely go get tested ASAP, but they wonā€™t let me come in.

He had to work today (lol I know), and I told him Iā€™d do my best to get a test today. Not sure how hard heā€™ll push on Monday. Looks like I canā€™t do anything until then. I may go into Philly for a test, there are some clinics there that do it, and theyā€™re a lot less likely to be homophobic and turn me away.

But CN said it doesnā€™t sound like monkeypox and he shouldnā€™t waste his time and money.

I called back and asked them to schedule me Monday and they said they canā€™t do the test there anyway. They reiterated urgent care or ER and sounded sympathetic but ultimately unwilling to give me any more help.

My favorite so far is the urgent care that told me they do not have swabs there. Like Iā€™m 99% sure weā€™re talking about a fucking cotton swab! None of those to be found though!

This feels very relevant

In some of the new cases, monkeypox has caused people to develop what looks like a pimple or blister, rather than a widespread rash, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a briefing. In other cases, tiny bumps on the skin are the first or only indication of an infection, she said.

The CDC line right now is that testing is widely available, and there are no capacity issues. The local health department line is any urgent care can do it. The reality Iā€™m experiencing is that nobody will see someone who says they have monkeypox symptoms. Or that urgent care centers have not received any info from county health or the CDC about how to deal with this.

Whether I have it or not, if itā€™s this hard to get someone to give you a test, weā€™re undercounting by a massive amount.

You donā€™t have it and I canā€™t imagine why you think itā€™s monkeypox and not some other virus or something.

Listen to the doctor


Well, itā€™s not just a cotton swab. It would come in some sort of sterile tube with a transport medium.

But, youā€™re right, Iā€™d be surprised if they didnā€™t have them.

Look maybe itā€™s monkeypox, maybe itā€™s not. Iā€™d guess no but it is just a guess. Testing is absurdly rationed right now so thereā€™s a good chance theyā€™ll charge you for the visit and dc you anyways.

Thereā€™s a bazillion viruses that cause bumps before you get into bacterial things and allergies and other weird derm shit.

The messaging from CDC and my county is that testing is widely available, but itā€™s possible the CDC and my county health department are full of shit. Or that the testing is available but theyā€™re rationing it tightly anyway.

Definitely not going to an ER at this point. Iā€™m going to find a place in Philly and try to go in on Monday. There are some clinics that are in-network that say on their website that they do testing for monkeypox.

Alright, fair enough. Allergies would shock me, since Iā€™ve had them my whole life and not had this before, and my buddy has very similar bumps but mild seasonal allergies - his wife gets them worse. The only time we were together before symptoms was with his wife and kids and my gf, so that parlay is exposure to an allergen then that only impacted him and me despite his wife and I being the ones that usually have similar seasonal allergies. Also the bumps are coming in day by day, so Iā€™d need an ongoing exposure to the allergen. Some weird dermological thing would make sense, with the other symptoms just being unrelated, except for the ass pain.

But if most of the symptoms could come from a bunch of viruses, then thereā€™s a good chance itā€™s one of the others.

Until I found out my friend has similar bumps, and I had the sore throat and ass pain, I figured it was like 1 in 10,000 or something super low. Now it feels well over 1% but under 50%.

Itā€™s just super annoying when the two foremost authorities I can speak to IRL - my doctor and my county health department - are like yes that sounds like it could be mp and you should absolutely get testedā€¦ But I canā€™t.