A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

Looks like that’s in the USA, which is heavily skewed. Globally it’s what I edited in. Specifically risk is much higher in heterosexual sex per act globally for whatever reason. There’s a whole wiki page on it

What country do you think we’re in? Besides, lots of these super-spreader sex events seem to have occurred in developed countries, so it seems quite relevant

I don’t suppose you’ve got a cite for non-developed countries handy. I’m trying to watch a game I bet way too much on.

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I’m curious about this too. Here’s a Stanford Health analysis of a number of studies with the conclusion that:

  • Receptive anal sex carries a much higher risk of HIV infection than receptive vaginal sex . Research shows that the risk of HIV transmission from receptive anal sex is up to 18 times higher than from receptive vaginal sex.

Risk of Exposure to HIV/AIDS | Stanford Health Care.

No clue what wiki he’s talking about, the main wiki I found that discusses this says:

“It is true that anal sex (regardless of the sex of the receptive partner) carries a higher risk of infection than most sex acts, but most penetrative sex acts between any individuals carry some risk.”

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I gotta make sure I finish my thought. You can just start with the wiki page on HIV.. For whatever reasons, developing country risk of heterosexual transmission is a lot higher, around 30 per 1000. Keep in mind these are rough estimates of rather small risks for an individual event.

It’s higher for sure, but it’s a pretty rough estimate and not nearly as far apart as many think. The most common method of HIV transmission is heterosexual sex worldwide.

Also, it’s so much harder to spread HIV than monkeypox. Comparing the two is just wrong. You can spread a lot of diseases in a man pile like the end of the ‘dey turk our jobs’ South Park episode, but that doesn’t mean gay sex would be notable for a special risk pattern if something popped out of that.

I’m still hopeful that this is a singular outbreak that will fizzle out when not in ideal conditions (and the gay part isn’t the relevant part here).

Yeah, you might want to do that next time.

Here’s where we started.

And it sounds like here’s where we are now:

-True in developed countries.
-And a link to a wikipedia article with a table that says this:
Vaginal : 0.05–0.30%
Anal: 0.04–3.0%

That was a pretty long page, and I’m not going to read the whole thing. If there is something in there to actually support your initial assertion, maybe you could copy/paste it or share with us exactly what part you’re referring to.

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We’ve already covered this.

It’s totally possible this factor may not be significant at all in monkeypox. If there is a lot of respiratory transmission, the type of sex may not matter.

The relevant part is a table, highlighted, with citations to PUBMED published reviews for the numbers. It doesn’t get simpler for you.

Of course the ranges are wide, ffs how would you measure these things accurately? They also vary wildly between populations. They just aren’t as different as most people think.

I followed up on this, mom claims that in San Francisco they were still giving out pox vaccines years after 1972 because it’s a major hub of immigration from Asia. Says she will try to dig up the certificate.

LOL ikes. That’s the exact table that I pulled the figures from in my post. You can tell because the numbers are the same as what I posted. I was asking if there was anything else, and it sounds like there isn’t.

This really is classic ikes.

Make assertion → Gets citation that shows he is wrong → Provides a link of his own that also shows that he is wrong —> Goalpost shifts into “they just aren’t as different as most people think”



So, I assume that’s a no on the scar?

Not that I’ve ever noticed but who knows what that kind of scar would look like after all these years. I honestly have no idea if she’s making all this up or not.

My parents both have them. It’s on the upper arm, round, about dime- to nickel-sized, and slightly depressed. I’m sure you can find some on google image search. If you had it, I’m sure you would know.

Maybe they gave kids shots in the butt or something (I’ve got no idea), in which case it wouldn’t be on the arm, of course.

They often gave it in the leg, according to google. Also it apparently doesn’t always leave a mark.

Yeah, I just figured scar means we can put the issue to rest. Looks like no scar means it’s still up in the air. Interested in what mom comes back with.

Man, when are news agencies going to realize that headlines like “person says there’s no evidence that X happened” get read by the general public as “X did not happen”

Can we please get some headline writers that understand how the general public consumes news

Be careful what you wish for. The headline of the NYT every day will be stuff like “REPLICANS SAY THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK CAN END DEMOCRACY. DEMOCRATS HATE THEM!”

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This seems like a completely responsible explanation of the ways MPX and gay sex are and aren’t linked:

Monkeypox has reached the Czech Republic. Came from a fetish festival in Antwerp.

Seems that the disease spreads way slower. I do wonder how much more severe it is than covid.

But what’s worse is that we may end up going back to the early 80s where HIV was thought of as gay cancer. Conservatives are gonna love bringing back that stigma.
