A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

Are we sure this isn’t some new age performance art? I’m impressed.

That’s why it’s good to have educated health and disease professionals who know how gay men have sex, as this post illustrates you don’t really understand the sexual logistics involved with the men who have 100+ different anal partners per year, and the diseases that spreads

It’s better to educate men on the risks rather than keep silent due to some notion that knowledge is homophobic

Or from contact with lesions on the hands, face, arms, chest, back, legs, etc.

In this particular case, given that lesions are all over the body, it sure seems like the factor in spread is number of sex partners not whether they’re having gay or straight sex. I’ll allow that most straight people aren’t having sex with 100+ people a year, but I’m sure some are. I assume most gay men aren’t either, but some are - presumably it’s more common based on your post.

The risk here isn’t the buttstuff, it’s the 100 partners stuff, and applies to people of all sexual persuasions and literally every communicable disease. When you bring up the buttsex as some sort of special risk factor, you further stigmatize gay people, make people less likely to report/treated because they don’t want to be seen as gay, and allow spread to continue further. This is the position of every non-idiotic public health organization.

I get that you don’t like me, but that is dumb.

It’s more constructive if you explain why my post is wrong instead of just telling me I’m wrong.


This guy sure got around!

Holy shit the comments.

I get that you’re joking, but literally said seriously as a comment in that thread!

I know my chances of actually having it are like 1 in a billion but I’m a little annoyed that I’ve never had rashes before and now I’ve developed one at a time when a thing called monkeypox has made an appearance. Also, I haven’t even had sex with a monkey in months


Because I know everyone is very interested, my shook level officially increased from a 3 to a 4 today.

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Not mentioned in all caps is that the CDC also said “The vast majority of them are health care workers.”

Which is good news in terms of monitoring/containing it, but not great news for the hospital in question if they have to quarantine.

Cursed headline

Seriously, that headline is a ridiculous way to describe this:

Rosamund Lewis, head of the smallpox secretariat that is part of the WHO Emergencies Programme, told a briefing that mutations tended to be typically lower with this virus, although genome sequencing of cases will help inform understanding of the current outbreak.

Anal sex vs vaginal sex can actually make a difference. Admittedly, I have no idea if this is the case for monkeypox, however it is known for other diseases. For example the risk of catching HIV from receptive anal intercourse is much, much higher than it is for vaginal receptive intercourse per episode (I don’t have a cite handy, but I can find one if you want).

The reason for this is largely anatomical. The lining there is more easily traumatized and pathogens can get easy access to the circulation because of all of the blood vessels there.

So chads is absolutely correct that are reasons that you may want gay men to be particularly alert. It is possible that others can take that very same accurate information and use it to stigmatize. There is a balance, I suppose. But if a gay man is telling us this is something he feels like it would be important to be aware of, then I would take his word for it and act accordingly.

Again, I have no idea if monkeypox is somehow different and transmitted with equal success through anal and vaginal routes. But based on our knowledge of other diseases and the relevant anatomy, it is not at all crazy to think that there may be some increased risk associated with the anal route (vs vaginal, all else being equal).

I mean I have no problem with encouraging them to be alert, I’m just saying that the likelihood is that the difference you described is not particularly significant given the presence of lesions all over and contact all over. Better safe than sorry until we know for sure, I guess.

False, especially outside of developed countries. It’s something like 0.03-0.3 vs 0.4-3 % IIRC.

Lots of olds are already vaccinated.

Smallpox vaccine?

Shit, now I had to go find a citation. How is the CDC? Developed enough for you? Per act risk is 138 per 10K vs 8 per 10K. Table in link.

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