A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

has anyone died of mpox yet?

i’m hopeful this point in time is still early enough that monkey pox might be contained via contact tracing. seems like covid became insurmountable for contact tracing before it was taken seriously

Oh boy, I flew out of and into the Ft Lauderdale airport within the last week. :(

I want to be hopeful too, but if a good number of seed cases for this wave really did come from the Pride Festival, I think we may have already flown by the effective contract tracking threshold. Large parties attended by people who traveled across international boundaries to get there and who are not necessarily all known to each other (or the organizers) seems like the hardest possible environment for contract tracing.

On the plus side, it seems like typical monkeypox symptoms are the type of thing that is more likely to cause someone to stay home / see a doctor than early Covid symptoms. Also, depending on what we find out about spread via air and surfaces, I guess it’s possible that more direct contact is needed to spread monkeypox. So maybe we at least have the potential to identify a higher % of cases and at least try to trace known contacts.

Imagine surviving the Covid 19 Pandemic, then dying of something called “Monkeypox”. :unamused:



Does it seem sus that right after bored ape nft prices crash , we get fuckin monkeypox outbreak?



It’s here.

I wonder if this is sufficiently scary to give anti-vaxers second thoughts. I mean not necessarily actually scary but in a way that it would be scary to idiots.

are you talking about losing your bankroll on some ape art, or something else?

The CDC is releasing some Jynneos (new vaccine) from the stockpile and plans to ramp up the size of the stockpile quickly. They have 1,000 doses of that and 100M of ACAM2000 (old vaccine). Apparently 100M = “enough to vaccinate the whole country.” Not clear whether that was a lie, whether it accounted for anti-vaxxers, or perhaps it can be diluted and still work (I read that somewhere, but it seems sus).

Nah early symptoms are just a fever. Rash doesn’t come until later

Cant be that off. Lots of people won’t get it. Lots of olds are already vaccinated. And unless we get another crazy mutation to push the R0 way up it should be enough.

I’ve read that it is only contagious once the rash/lesions appear. I’ve also read that it’s contagious as soon as any symptoms appear. I’ve also read that it’s contagious before symptoms start.

I’m not a doctor, but it appears that 2 out of 3 Twitter “experts” are wrong. Do you know the answer?

Definitely agree on this.

Supposedly if you haven’t gotten it within 3 years we aren’t really sure how well it’ll hold up.

I agree, and maybe this is nitpicky but when they said they had enough to vaccinate “everyone in the United States” I took that literally. Keep in mind the stockpile was built in case of smallpox being weaponized. I’m pretty sure a lot of anti-vaxxers would re-evaluate the conviction of their beliefs in the face of a 30% mortality rate, so you’d think the government would have bought enough for everyone.

ACAM2000 is only like $7.50 a dose for fucks sake.

It’s spread by respiratory droplets, not the rash. You’re probably more contagious when the rash is happening, but there’s no way you’re mounting systemic reactions like fever and not be contagious.

That’s me just going off typical patterns though, not something I can point to definitively or expertly

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It can also spread by the lesions though, right? I assume it’s actually the liquid seeping out or something but I’ve read skin to skin contact can spread it, along with sharing clothes/sheets/towels/etc.

It does both. It can get into mucous membranes or small breaks in skin

Ugh. That sucks.

Do military guys get the smallpox vaxx?

Like what happens in the bareback butt sex that’s as common among men again now as it was before HIV?

I think even wearing a condom is only going to do so much good against monkeypox. Surely if you’re that close to an infected person you are at risk of getting it via respiratory droplets.