A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

Really? Never would have guessed you were old enough for that.

Apparently routine vaccination stopped in 1972 and Iā€™m not that old. Either the place I was born kept giving them out or mom misremembers things.

Like misremembering if you even got it? Do you have the scar?

This is really really far away from what I was imagining when I read Ikes talking about blaming the gays. Lmao

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Ikes it might be worth it to you to have a chat with some doctor who specializes in community spread of infectious diseases

Itā€™s actually a good thing to keep gay men informed the way that bit of the article does

I have! Have you?


So this is very strange. Seven kids died in the Netherlands last month from chickenpox, supposedly. But the fatality rate of chickenpox in kids under 14 is 1 per 100,000 cases. 700K Dutch kids getting chickenpox would be the same, proportionally, as 13.6M American kids getting it. In a month. So I feel like that would have made international news if that many cases happened.

Meanwhile, searches for chickenpox were up in Nigeria, the UK, and Spain.




Now, itā€™s hard to imagine that this is all due to monkeypox and people are just searching the wrong thing. It would be hard to stay under the radar for like 6-8 weeks, right? On the other hand, why are kids suddenly dying of chickenpox at much higher rates than expected at the same time thereā€™s a monkeypox outbreak?

Lots of questions that I imagine will be answered in the next couple of weeks.

Itā€™s perfectly easy to imagine this is due to chickenpox. While normal primary chickenpox is super rare these days, Iā€™d guess people got diagnosed with chickenpox who had monkeypox for sure. I literally didnā€™t know what monkeypox was until this story broke. I easily could have, and could still make that mistake.

Come to think of itā€¦ I made the only diagnosis of chickenpox Iā€™ve ever made 2 months ago.

That many deaths though? Granted it could be an outlier and statistical variance, but youā€™d expect to see 700K cases of chickenpox among kids under 14 to produce 7 deaths. Do you think that many cases in a month in a nation of 17M people could fly under the radar?

Iā€™ve posted a couple things from Turner ITT, but Iā€™m starting to get a bit of a grifter vibe from him. I havenā€™t seen the thing about chickenpox deaths in the Netherlands anywhere with reputable sourcing. Iā€™d love to see it if you haveā€”definitely in the category of huge if true.

Funny you say that. I got the same vibe from him so I went digging to confirm, and I found it from a Dutch public news site. Youā€™ll have to use Google translate, assuming you donā€™t speak Dutch.

Big caveat of if true, however:

Iā€™d suspect that people just missed the diagnosis. Chickenpox diagnosis is made with looking at it and going, ā€œyup thatā€™s chickenpoxā€. You donā€™t do actual testing. I think you can, but you donā€™t do it.

Some of those ā€œspikesā€ just look like random noise.

Yeah, I went and pulled up the UK one myself and set it to the maximum timeline and the current spike definitely stands out. The others could be noise, or could be annual spikes aligned with seasonal spread.

Pediatricians now warn, among other things, against the invasive variant of the so-called group A streptococci. A chickenpox infection increases the chance of an infection with that bacterium, which, like chickenpox, is often relatively harmless but can lead to complications in rare cases.

According to the Dutch College of General Practitioners , serious streptococcal infections are more common this spring than in previous years, especially in children under 5 years of age. This year, an estimated 70 children have experienced such a serious infection, seven of whom have died.

So this is about strep infections, which may or may not be associated with chickenpox. And if you click through to the source, the relevant time period is all of 2022. So Iā€™d call this fairly debunked.

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Ah, good work, I missed that. I had never heard of strep being fatal, though. So it sounds like this is a worse than normal, but not absurd, chickenpox year which is synergistically contributing to a worse than normal, but not absurd, strep year.

The unexplained part seems to be why there were more serious strep infections. But the fatality rate on those is 25%, so it could easily be a 25-30 case outlier.


in florida

Obviously this is super anecdotal and super non-scientific and correlates more to detection than actual spread, but the rate at which these cases are popping up in new locations certainly seems more in line with new covid variants with Rt > 3 than something with an Rt < 1.

I would be surprised if the Rt on this was >3, but at this point I have a very hard time believing itā€™s going to be < 1 and no big deal.

Andy Seale, an adviser to the WHO, said: "While weā€™re seeing some cases in men, this is not a ā€˜gay diseaseā€™ as some people and social media have labelled it.

ā€œIt seems clear itā€™s linked to close contact, whether through social contact or possibly sexual contact,ā€ he added in a social media session that was set up to answer questions from the public.

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London has said ā€œaround 10ā€ staff in its sexual health clinic are self-isolating at home after coming into close contact with a patient with monkeypox.

Dr Claire Dewsnap, president of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, told the BBC that ā€œup to 10 staffā€ at a second sexual health clinic were also self-isolating. The location has not been revealed.

Anyone at the highest risk of having caught monkeypox - those who live with someone who has it, for example - will be asked to isolate at home for up to 21 days, in line with official guidelines.

Iā€™m pleased to report that guidance from the state of California puts people with known close contact into the same risk group as men who have sex with men.