A Call to Ban NotBruceZ for Consistently Endorsing Violence

‘Get rid of the guy that does what I do only some of the time’ is not a very solid take imo.


Show me where I’ve suggested it’s time for violence. Show me where I’ve wished for a terror attack to be carried out. Show me where I’ve opined that not enough Congressional Republicans were shot.

How the fuck are people okay with those things???

Whole thread seems like a line between those afraid of when keeping it real goes wrong, and the others.

I assume the lack of ever personally posting like that has me a little less worried if receipts are ever read - same reason I don’t vote tho. I’m an open coward.

At what point is it okay to opine that way cuse? You going to whimper your way into totalitarian rule? I’m okay with that. Seems like maybe you need to answer some questions internally.

Rah rah’ing the resistance isn’t so fun when the shit starts hitting the fan.


You know, context matters for this stuff. Let’s look at this specific “call for violence”

The posts are clearly about gun control.

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We’re not there yet and Lord willing never will be. I mean, until we have mass protests that fail we’re not even in the ballpark of discussing it.

C’mon, this is disingenuous. Cuse makes solid posts 99% of the and maybe gets out of line on occasion, NBZ is like 100% edgelording BS.


It’s not disingenuous. Might be really wrong tho.

I only read a few of the political threads and I’m behind on Trump and a few others. Still seems like his sentiments don’t differ from the average CTH reddit poster. Basically he’s Fly without the dunking on the other side.

Seems like he’s being ostracized for takes that aren’t that outside the window for normal lefty takes right now. He may be lacking content beyond that, but that seems like an odd qualifier.

If you have a concern feel free to start a thread asking for him to be banned

Also, can we stop pretending that some edgelord acting like a toddler on an Internet forum is somehow the last line of resistance against the Gestapo?


It seems like the line being taken is to keep the Gestapo off you.

Otherwise, who cares?

He’s fly without any humor, wit, or taste, and to be honest I don’t recall fly calling for us to start shooting Senators.

Also, fly got banned for being out of line all the time. He’s learned to color within the lines and the forum was better for that. At least it was when Wookiee was running th show.


[quote=“DodgerIrish, post:71, topic:324, full:true”]Otherwise, who cares?

I care. This is a community discussion about what standards we want to have, I’m giving my 2 cents.

I’d like this to be a place for grown-ups to talk about politics and not for 4chan edgelords to constantly jerk off to fantasies of murdering Tiffany Trump.

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I’m indifferent to the issue, just seems a more centrist take considering the temperature of the room when I’ve looked elsewhere.


I could be wrong, but it seems like you’re playing games, trying to find the line, and trying to be humorous. And I think some of your posts are funny.

Is this right? Because if you’re really in complete earnest all the time, then banning you is a more serious matter. If you’re just playing games, I don’t know if that means a ban is more needed or not, but it’s just a game as well, so no big.

Unlike and the debate you’re talking about will make the banning NotBruceZ debate seem like a walk in the park.

I agree with a lot of what you said, JT. But I just want to be clear that this has nothing to do with liking or disliking NotBruceZ. I can’t recall us having a debate or disagreement on anything other than referencing/calling for/dreaming of violence.

I’m frustrated by that stuff, but there’s no backstory to this, no bad blood, etc. If he’d knock it off I have no issue with him. But he’s basically on the record for this being what he believes in. I don’t know why anyone is trying to make it out to be a joke, given his posting history.

I honestly feel like Bruce’s posts are necessary to move the Overton window when it comes to how we deal with certain political groups destroying the country for their own personal gain.

So you’re in favor of advocating for violence?

Maybe the people on 2p2 who saw us as some sort of a lefty Stormfront or 8chan were onto something. Seems like a lot of people here are fans of what is at best edgelording with violent posts and at worst the beginnings of advocating for violence.


They’re putting people in cages dude.

People are dying because they can’t afford health care.

People are living on the street.

We’re bombing civilians in other countries.

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Yeah we’re doing some horrible things but to react with violence is not going to be productive at all - the opposite really. The quickest way to fix this stuff is through protest, activism and voting. Violence is a detriment to the cause, which means it’s literally just serving to fill bloodlust.

Further, anyone calling for it becomes easier to marginalize. That applies to our community as well.

Last but not least, the people who see this stuff and decide to do something violent are most likely going to be mentally unstable and incapable of strategizing, so even in a world where you were right you’d be more likely to trigger a random mass shooting than whatever you have in mind.

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