A Call to Ban NotBruceZ for Consistently Endorsing Violence

That started to happen back in July in the Moderation rules thread:

I’m not going to reread the whole thing but I think it would be good to work from that so we don’t have to start from scratch.

I agree with this but think some prior discussion of this would be necessary to decide on the concrete rules in step one.

Agree with this too.

Sounds good, with the caveat that many initiatives have gotten bogged down with process discussion since we left 2p2. I am thinking we’ll never come up with the perfect ideal of a democratic process that makes everyone happy. So really all we need is enough of the appearance of democracy that people don’t feel alienated enough by it to leave the forum. A proposal, followed by a discussion and vote, decided by a simple majority, should be good enough for this.

One final thing: I think we also need to come up with a process for selecting mods that imbues them with some legitimacy. What we have now is basically no process–the mods are mods just because they were in prior versions of the forum. (cite)

And along with that, some sort of “expectations and responsibilities” plan for mods would be helpful as well.

So, somebody get on that, okay?

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