My White House sources leaked tomorrow’s Bird Flu/Egg Deflation Executive Order to me:
Unlock the nation’s strategic reserves of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
Empanel a Blue Ribbon Committee of really, really smart doctors and science-y types including the demon semen lady, MTG, Dr. Demento and Hawkeye Pierce to come up with really, really smart science-y solutions. Also this guy
Bleach injections.
Put very small UV bulbs up the rectums (recta?) of chickens.
I went to the Publix on Palm Beach Island yesterday to do some grocery shopping because it’s by far the best grocery store in my local area and their egg section looked like something out of Soviet Russia.
worst shooting in sweden history 10 dead at an education centre.
mavs gm phone has been blowing up with every other gm in the league congratulating him on his big trade and offering trades that would get immediately rejected in your fantasy leagues.