2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Texas didn’t ban Pornhub. Pornhub said fuck you to Texas

Except that’s not what happened. Passing a law that’s makes it impossible to operate is the same as a ban. Anyway not going to argue with you.

Two seconds reading will generate several stories and statements from pornhub making the same argument.

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How does he possibly survive all these bad headlines even if some are not true.

In my mind your opinions tend to be extremist. You don’t allow the possibility of admitting you’re wrong if you say 100% this or 100% that.


He isn’t going to it’s just a matter of when.


The story has become self-fulfilling. Looks like Biden is toast.

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This is literally objectively false and there’s simply no way to hold this opinion while being a serious person.



I do have a tendency towards hyperbole but I commonly and quickly admit when someone proves I’m wrong.

Cactus was upset because I called him on the idiotic claim that POTUS is a figurehead.

Sorry, I was going to delete that but it got quoted. It’s fine. I myself am mainly just here to vent.


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No reason you delete it. You are correct on your assessment. No offense taken. :grin:

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Hopefully the use of the Elvis gif was a purposeful shot at my infamous “Elvis isn’t importamt” take. If so, chefs kiss. :rofl:

Ha, I’m never forgetting that.


Once piece of evidence that the POTUS isn’t a figurehead is he has the only opinion that matters whether he’s the nominee.

As for how he survives, you guys are the one who love “fuck you, no”.


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let younger people into politics, urges the 77 year old senator.

Judge for yourself.


One thing’s for sure, after all the pre-election infighting is over, if Trump wins, there’s going to be a shitload of post-election finger-pointing between the bedwetters and the Biden-riders. I don’t especially want to be around for that.


not sure what level we are on, but he obviously says “i was talking to your wife” ?


Might be a yellow dress blue dress thing but it’s not what I heard. And the apology afterward?