2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Should be a good outcome when a bunch of roided, enraged, gun toting conservatives can no longer jerk off to porn. Should really lessen the gun violence and road rage incidents in USA.

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Yea the right has been on this kick for a while of trying to reconcile their small government libertarianism with their social conservativism and the way they square the circle is to say that freedom is the opportunity to live the way you ought to live and the way you ought to live will be dictated by the government.

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By “pornography”, they just mean anything acknowledging that gay or trans people exist. Or at least that’s all they’ll enforce.



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Oh no, that’s not it. You haven’t been around many fundamentalist Christians, have you?

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For the youtube fans:

Here’s another facet of the game theory. Showing loyalty to Biden is showing you’re loyal and on board with various Biden supporters. I think it’s a bad theory, but it’s a theory.


The main porn sites like pornhub are currently banned in places like texas.




Pornhub banned Texas, not the other way around.

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I have a feeling trans porn is ALSO most consumed in red states.

Not really. Texas passed an insane ID verification law that forced them out. Effective ban.

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Every bit as shameful as the “I didn’t see the tweet” crowd

Indeed it is

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The absolute bedrock most defining characteristic of being right wing is a deeply rooted hypocrisy about every single aspect of their being.


You have an extremely difficult time admitting when you’re wrong, don’t you?

lol of course

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Especially when I’m not wrong. lol.

I’d guess I have a reputation here for commonly admitting when I’m wrong.