2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

3rd party

Itā€™s not just a semantic or aesthetic thing. I donā€™t think I have to make some list of ways in which Democrats are also authoritarian to justify concern about bandying about fascist language.

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thatā€™s fair, point taken

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Its jist growing pains

Lmao man he was up 9 pts and didnā€™t even win that comfortably and people like I dunno maybe he can still win now gtfo!


To stupid
or ,


Yeah thatā€™s the big thing here, I mean itā€™s one thing to say ā€œnumbers are all over the place between now and November, polls are skewed, etc.ā€ but in 2016 and 2020 the error/skew was all way in the Democrats favor, Biden was up by double digits in states that he won by 1-2 points, was supposed to have a chance in lol FL and some other obviously red states, etc.

I canā€™t see any magical reason the polls would suddenly be skewed the other way. It seems more like weā€™re looking at a 400+ EC landslide for Trump than anything that Biden would have a chance to eke out.

I think itā€™s fair to assume that the polling error is as likely to fall in either direction. The pollsters do their best to figure out what theyā€™ve done wrong and correct for it.

Iā€™ve seen hypotheses that the current ā€˜enthusiasm gapā€™ makes it more likely that polls are biased in favor of the GOP.

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Pretty much how I think most of us now see it (medium length read):


Yep, +400 landslide seems inevatable. now
Spiff is right in saying the country is the newest country in the world.
Obviusly there would be growing pains, superpower world police etcā€¦
The wealth do not grow out of thin air.
Even if one distribute it fairly.
Its not a zero sum game.

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Good article. The analogy that has been bouncing around in my head is the Wizard of Oz. The debate was the moment the curtain gets pulled back and you see what he really is. After that there is no going back and the common knowledge explanation in this article is why.

Iā€™m very disheartened by the Dems standing by Joe when we have all seen the truth. Itā€™s so on brand for them unfortunately.


Itā€™s Feinstein all over again, just with higher stakes.





This says the Parkinsonā€™s story is unsubstantiated bullshit.


I dont even understand the Parkinsons angle? Who cares if he has Parkinsons or not. How would that change anything?

He isnā€™t fit for office currently. He definitely isnā€™t fit for 4 more years.

I donā€™t know why everyone keeps saying this. Heā€™s done a good job domestically the last 4 years and the country is running just fine now. Itā€™s not like the president is doing all the work. I doubt he does much of anything tbh. The role of POTUS is pretty much to be a glorified figure head

Do you think he is capable of making important decisions in a crisis? I think his team is but Joe Biden Iā€™m not convinced would even understand what was happening. Having the leader of the free world mentally diminished is not good. Itā€™s one of the scariest parts about Trump as well.